doing a debate in a college
course, and I was assigned to
the side that must argue that
"feminism is a harmful ideology".
I'm not even sure where to start,
because of course this view
conflicts with mine. Phyllis
Shafley, Camille Paglia, "Dr.
Laura" all came to mind, but
do you have any other suggestions?
Or any idea where specifically
I should look to find opinions
that support this argument?
you so much!
think you have to figure out
what "harmful" is--that's a
pretty subjective term. For
instance, something might be
harmful to one person and, in
return, beneficial to others.
Of course, I think that if one
person has to harm another in
order to do him/herself good,
then they really aren't doing
themselves any good.
in using "harmful" as the key
word in that statement, I think
that you could say that feminism
is "harmful" because in its
quest for equality some people
will have to give up power and
this might cause them harm.
Also, because feminism's emphasis
is on making sure that everyone
has enough information to make
informed choices about their
lives not monitoring the choices
that people make--you could
argue that it could free up
individuals to make choices
that could do harm to others.
feminism needs to be "vague"
in order to allow individuals
to interpret it in their own
lives, this vagueness means
that people can take what they
will from feminism. And under
some circumstances that might
cause harm. I hope that helps--it's
a bit vague, but like you, I
don't agree with the premise,
so it's hard to come up with
a good argument.