is the very first letter I have
written to anyone on this matter
that has been bothering me for
some time now. I feel as a Mother
and Grandmother I must get someone's
attention on my concerns. I
have been recently in the last
few years been watching Disney
Movies with my grandchildren,
and become aware of a very alarming
subject matter of their movies.
Just think of this for a few
minutes, and I am convinced
if you are a mother, grandmother,
aunt, sister, or just a woman
you also will find it alarming.
There are NO mothers, grandmother
or for that fact a positive
woman role model. There are
mothers in maybe the first few
minutes in the beginning of
his movies, but she always runs
away or is killed off. There
are very mean stepmothers, witches
and maybe a caretaker, but NEVER
a nurturing kind Mother. Now
personally I do feel children
need to be exposed to many kinds
of familles, some with no mother,
some with stepmothers. When
every movie that comes from
Disney with no or bad mothers
this is giving our children
an unreal look of a real family...Someone
needs to research this and come
to some conclusion, to see if
these are real concerns. I hope
I have come to the proper place.
- Mother, Grandmother, Aunt,
Great Aunt, Daughter, Stepsister,
and Mother-in-law - Charlotte
for your note to and I wanted
to let you know that you are
not alone. Feminists - mothers;
grandmothers; daughters, etc...
- have been speaking out against
Disney for years. Ms. Magazine has done a few articles. I
think that the Lion King
and Pocohantos were the
"last straws," but there is
also the acknowledgement that
it has been happening for much
longer. There was a book that
was suppose to come out on this
very subject, but I haven't
heard anything about it. If
I do, I will let you know.
Keep speaking up and hopefully
many others will too, and together
we can make Disney more accountable
for their actions. Thanks for
writing .
"Some people are speaking out
against Disney. The National
Labor Committee has named
the week of December 7-14 as
International Disney Week.
This is a time to protest Disney's
poor labor practices and sweatshop
conditions under which many
Disney Products are made. A
Disney "Mickey & Co." cotton
jersey, which sells for $17
in New York, earned the worker
who made it in Burma only about
2-3 cents. And the Haitian garment
workers who make Disney's Pocahontas
nightgowns, which sell for $11.97
at Wal-Mart, earn only 7 cents
per gown. With all of this happening,
Michael Eisner, Disney's CEO,
still managed to earn $97,000
per hour in 1993 through salary
and stock options. To let Disney
know that you will not support
Disney until they improve their
employment practices, write
to Michael Eisner, Walt Disney
Company, 500 South Buena Vista
Street, Burbank, CA 91521 or
fax #818-846-7319. To find
out more about "International
Disney Week", contact the National
Labor Committee at (212)
242-3002 or (510) 464-5921."