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April 1999
The following are exclusive excerpts from Washington Feminist Faxnet

April 30, 1999


Two weeks ago President Clinton proposed a progressive measure to increase retirement nest eggs while keeping Social Security intact. Universal Savings Account (USA) would provide tax credits and government matches for private retirement savings outside the Social Security system. Since the accounts would benefit lower income people (mostly women) more than the rich, women could gain by increasing savings without losing SS benefits. So far, so good. But this week, in a bait and switch move that would make a carnival huckster proud, the Clinton administration told the Wall Street Journal it is considering moving toward the GOP priority of creating private accounts within Social Security, and endorsing GOP benefit cuts and/or tax increases. Privatizing schemes are bad for the majority of recipients -- women, and will result in less secure retirement. The National Council of Women's Organizations has fired off a letter of protest to the administration, and asked for a meeting with senior Social Security advisors in the White House. Remind President Clinton of who elected him, who stood by him during impeachment, and who will lose if he insists on this grandstand play for a flawed legacy just to erase Monical from the national memory. Comment line 202-456-1414; fax 202-456-2461; e-mail [email protected] or fax White House senior advisor Gene Sperling at the National Economic Council (fax 202-456-2878).


WFF often urges readers to raise hell, but we must remember to thank our allies too. Take time this week to thank Senator Christopher Dodd (202-224-2823; fax 202-224-1083; E-mail) for his $5 million dollar amendment to the budget resolution for more child care. Give Rep. Jerrold Nadler (202-225-5635; fax 202-225-6923; E-mail) encouragement for his amendment to bankruptcy legislation that would have prevented convicted anti-abortion harassers from escaping fines by declaring bankruptcy. (The Nadler amendment failed).


April 23, 1999


Reports coming out of the war zone confirm that Kosovar women (and girls as young as 11) are being systematically raped by Serbian soldiers in a reprise of the crimes committed against Bosnian women in 1992-95. Kosovar women in neighboring Macedonia, exiles who are helping the new flood of refugees, need help themselves. The Kosovo Women's Fund is an opportunity for individuals and foundations to contribute tax-exempt emergency funds to support organizations led by Kosovo women in Macedonia. Led by the STAR Network of World Learning, which has worked with more than 150 women's groups in the region, the Fund will dedicate 100% of the contributions to local groups such as The Center for the Protection of Women and Children, which provides emergency medical care and trauma services for displaced women and their families. Any amount is welcome, but gifts of at least $100 are encouraged. Checks go to STAR/World Learning Kosovo Women's Fund, 1015 Fifteenth Street NW, #750, Washington, DC 20005. More info: Lael Stegall, 202-408-5420 or E-mail [email protected].



The U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee has launched an attack against fair pay on its website. The page contains distortions and outright lies such as "The Paycheck Fairness Act would authorize funds for political events to help turn voluntary comparable worth standards into compulsory wage controls." (The bill is an enforcement tool for the 36-year-old Equal Pay Act, and has nothing to do with comparable worth or wage controls.) Policy Committee Chair Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID) obviously has no interest in the truth (he says there is no pay gap - it's an "imaginary hobgoblin"), and furthermore is willing to propogate lies on a goverment website to score points with the political right. The National Committee on Pay Equity has protested the misinformation on the web, and asked Craig for a meeting. Women can demand that Craig end the lies and take this garbage off the website at fax 202-228-1067; or e-mail [email protected]


April 9, 1999


... and while you're preparing your return, take a break to call your member of Congress about the marriage penalty. Built into the tax system back when most women were stay-at-home wives, the current tax brackets insure that married couples with two earners pay an avearge of $1400 more than two single earners with the same household income. And it's usually the woman's earnings that are unfairly taxed, because the marriage penalty bites the income of the second wage earner at a much higher rate than that for a comparable single earner. One of the the stronger bills on the Hill to remedy the situation is the Marriage Tax Elimination Act, sponsored by Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) in the Senate (S.15) and Rep. Jerry Weller (R-IL) in the House (HR. 6) (There are a couple of bills on the D side of the aisle, but they're weaker). Tell your member to liberate women from the marriage penalty before April 15 falls again at 202-224-3121 (or e-mail your Representative and Senator).


Thanks for representative Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), the Equal Rights Amendment is once again before Congress. Maloney introduced HR 41 on March 24. Even if this bill does not get a hearing in the Republican Congress, it is important that members make a statement by signing on as co-sponsors (call 202-224-3121 or e-mail your Representative and Senator). Ask your members if they really think the U.S. should close out the millenium by closing women out of the Constitution. **** Urgent ERA action is needed in Missouri, where state ratification was reported out of committee next week. A strong advocacy effort is needed to get the bill (HJR 35) to the floow before the session ends on May 14. If you're from Missouri or know someone who is, urge them to call Missouri House Speaker Steve Gaw at 573-751-2700 and ask him to schedule a floor vote.


April 2, 1999


That's the day in 1999 when women's earnings reach the total earned by men in the 1998 calendar year. The National Committee on Pay Equity is coordinating Equal Pay Day events nationwide on April 8. To learn if an event is happening in your area, contact NCPE at 202-331-7343. Whether or not your participate locally, everyone (including men whose mothers, wives, and daughters are shortchanged) should call Congress on the 8th to urge passage of the Fair Pay Act (FPA). Introduced in the Senate by Tom Harkin (D-IA), and in the House by Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC), the bill would narrow the pay gap in a number of ways, including requiring companies to divulge statistics on what they pay women in comparison to men. Urge your member to support S. 702 (Senate) and HR. 1271 (House) at 202-224-3121. Even the White House is expected to hold an event for the issue that consistently polls number one with women -- but President Clinton has yet to back the Fair Pay Act. Tell him photo ops are nice, but women want real change at 202-456-1414; fax 202-456-2461; [email protected].



Many of you may have read (erroneous) reports of the death of the Violence Against Women Act in the wake of a March 5th court decision in Virginia. In fact, the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against only the Civil Rights Remedy of the VAWA; its many other provisions (including funding for critical services) are still intact. In the outrageous decision, the 4th Circuit ruled that a college student raped by two football players is not entitled to damages from her assailants (one of whom is still on full scholarship). This decision is in stark contrast to 12 other courts that upheld the law - look for the NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund, attorneys for the victim, to appeal this one to the Supremes. Meanwhile VAWA '99 (HR. 357), which will strengthen and expand the programs in the original VAWA (think national domestic violence hotline and rape prevention programs), has 157 co-sponsors in the House. Ask your Reps if they're on board at 202-224-3121 (or send e-mail).



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