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REVEAL Your Soul
An Ongoing Series by Meggan Watterson

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REVEALers Reclaiming Their Bodies As Sacred

The Mama Glo Girl: Latham Thomas

The Vagina Whisperer: Alisa Vitti

About This Column:
As a feminist theologian, Meggan Watterson was utterly bereft at the lack of female voices in the litany of theological course work her two masters degrees required her to know. Much of the theological discourse she read was fascinating, inspiring even, but it left her spiritual experience as an embodied female absolutely unknown.

Where was the spiritual experience of a woman who spoke with and from the wisdom of her body rather than denied it?

In the REVEAL Your Soul series, Meggan Watterson profiles the voices of spiritually empowered women who are finding authentic ways to redefine and claim what being connected to the divine means to them in their own lives.

Meggan Watterson is the founder of REVEAL, a spiritual mentor, and a transformational speaker for women's spiritual empowerment. She facilitates The REDLADIES- a women's spirituality group in NYC where women come together to encourage each other to find, hear, and to follow the courageous and audacious voice of their soul. She has her Masters of Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity and her Masters of Divinity from Union Theological Seminary. Her work has been featured in media outlets such as The New York Times, Women’s Radio, Feministing.com and StyleSubstanceSoul.com. Her first book, REVEAL, will be published in 2013 by Hay House. www.megganwatterson.com





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