#SAYHERNAME – A Spotlight on Black Women & Girls in the Movement for Black Lives
From the media to the White House, the lion’s share of the response to the #BlackLivesMatter movement, has prioritized the plight of young men and boys. But in a climate where black girls are suspended from school six times more than white girls, and African American women are incarcerated three times more often than white peers, the safety of black women and girls is often ignored—or at best, an afterthought.
#SayHerName emerged as a rallying cry to surface the stories of innumerable black women, trans women, and girls who have been assaulted, and or killed as a result of police violence. Shifting the spotlight to state violence targeting women of color, sexual assault by police, and law enforcement abuse of pregnant women, moderator Jamia Wilson and panelists centered the activism of movement makers dedicated to justice for black women and girls.
Moderator: Jamia Wilson, Women, Action, & the Media & Move to End Violence Movement Maker
Speakers: Imani Brown, Black Youth Project; Diamond Sharp, Rookie Magazine & Black Youth Project; Joanne Smith, Girls for Gender Equity & Move to End Violence Movement Maker; Quentin Walcott, CONNECT & Move to End Violence Movement Maker
Sponsor/Partner: NoVo Foundation: Move to End Violence
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