Women, Leadership & Power: The NYC Edition
Women are still vastly underrepresented in leadership realms and in all spheres of influence including media, politics and business. With the backdrop of the 2016 elections and the candidacy of women presidential candidates for both parties, the conversation around women in leadership is our amplified. Our women’s leadership panel tackled important questions related to women’s paths to leadership, how women are treated once they become leaders, what cultural and structural changes are needed, and how women can model new paradigms of power. Moderator Marianne Schnall and our distinguished panelists discussed these topics and more.
Moderator: Marianne Schnall, author of What Will It Take to Make a Woman President?
Speakers: Penny Abeywardena, Commissioner of the Mayor's Office for International Affairs; Brette McSweeney, Executive Director of Eleanor's Legacy; Mini Timmaraju, Women's Outreach Director for Hillary for America; Maria Torres-Springer, President of the NYC Economic Development Corporation
Sponsor/Partner: Eileen Fisher/Eileen Fisher Community Foundation
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