The constitutionality of one small
part of the Violence Against Women
Act (the civil rights remedy) is
pending before the Supreme Court.
Some members of Congress are using
this as an excuse
to defer action on the Violence
Against Women Act reauthorization
(HR 1248). The legality of VAWA
programs and services are not in
question, but funding must be reauthorized
or programs to prevent violence
against women such as the National
Domestic Violence Hotline will be
discontinued. The NOW
Legal Defense and Education Fund
(which defended VAWA before the
Supremes) has sent a letter to Congress
explaining the need
to move quickly on this vital
legislation. Add
your voice to theirs by contacting
your members at 202-225-3121.
(WFF 4/14/00)
Activists who called to urge Reps
to stop dragging their feet on the
new Violence Against Women Act (WFF
4/14) should take a bow. Yesterday,
the House Crime, Justice, & State
Subcommittee marked-up the bill
(H.R. 1248), and it can now go to
the full Judiciary before hitting
the floor for a vote. The good news
is that there is bi-partisan support,
and the current
version continues VAWA programs
for the next five years, at full
funding levels. The bad news
is that coverage
for victims of dating violence was
dropped. It is important
to keep the momentum going -- urge
Rep. Hyde (R-IL) (202-225-4561),
and Judiciary staffer Carl Thorsen
(202-225-3926) to restore dating
violence coverage to H.R. 1248,
and schedule a mark-up of the bill
in full committee.)