into topics of:
Violence-General |
Crime Victim's Guide to Justice
(Self-help Law Kit With Forms)
by Mary L. Boland (Sourcebooks;1997).
This book, written by a consultant
to the U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Victims of Crime, offers
knowledge about how the justice system
works and what your rights are.
Deadly Consequences: How Violence
is Destroying Our Teenage Population
and A Plan to Begin Solving the Problem
by Deborah Prothrow-Stith with Michaele
Weissman (Harper Perennial, New York,
NY; 1991) Advocates using a community-wide,
public health-based approach, through
schools, families and the wider community,
to combat the violence that teenagers
are exposed to via the media and in
their daily lives. Contains a list
of state by state anti-violence organizations.
The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals
That Protect Us From Violence
by Gavin De Becker (Little, Brown
& Co., New York, NY; 1997) Explains
the value of trusting one's instincts
of fear to protect from violence,
and offers strategies to live more
safely while remaining free from the
paralyzing effects of unnecessary
Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide, by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn (Vintage; 2010). Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn describe their travels through Africa and Asia and the extraordinary women they meet along the way. Through stories of a Cambodian teenager sold into sex slavery and an Ethiopian woman who suffered devastating injuries in childbirth and many more, this book address the economic and social situation of women worldwide and the amazing possibilities of women when they�re given the opportunity to succeed.
The Neurobiology of Sexual Assualt by Rebecca Campbell (Michigan State University; 2012) This webinar powerpoint discusses the neurobiology of sexual assault and the effect trauma has on victim behavior. A recording of the webinar is also available online at
Obsession, With Intent: Violence Against Women by Lee Lakeman (Black Rose Books; 2005). Obsession, With Intent is an investigative report into cases of violence against women where the women tried to get help from the criminal justice system. It highlights women�s vulnerability and struggles in reporting and receiving help in the legal system. Through individual women�s stories, the book demands change in our social system at the individual, the institutional, and political levels.
Men�s Violence Against Women: Theory, Research, and Activism by Christopher Kilmartin and Julie Allison, (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007)This book is intended as a text for courses in gender-based violence in a variety of disciplines including psychology, sociology, and women�s, men�s and/or gender studies.
On the Road to Healing: An Anthology for Men Ending Sexism
Dual Power Press 2009.
Edited by Basil Shadid. This book is an exciting pro-feminist anthology by men working to end sexism.
Reaching Men: Strategies for Addressing Sexist Attitudes, Behaviors and Violence by Russ Funk (Jist Life, April 2006) Sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment, pornography, prostitution, domestic violence, dating abuse, male and female victimization, and stalking are topics addressed in Rus Ervin Funk�s reference book entitled Reaching Men. Secretary of the Board of Directors of the National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence, a social worker since 1983, and co-founder of the Baltimore Sexual Abuse Treatment Center, Rus shares the knowledge he gained in creating strategies that call on all men to change their attitudes and behaviors and help stop violence.
The Roots of Evil: The Origins
of Genocide and Other Group Violence
by Ervin Staub (Cambridge University
Press, New York, NY; 1989) Investigates
the processes, psychological, societal
and cultural, which give rise to mass
violence. Suggests modes of behavior
and attitudes which are conducive
to non-aggressive societies.
Sourcebook on Violence against Women by Claire M. Renzetti, Jeffrey Edleson, Raquel Kennedy Bergen (SAGE Publications; 2010). This sourcebook provides information on the current state of research, theory, prevention, and intervention regarding violence against women. The book is divided into theoretical and methodological issues in researching violence against women, types of violence against women, or prevention and direct intervention. Interesting read that encourages examination of culture, class, geographic location, and other issues within violence against women discussions.
Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others by Laura van Dernoot Lipsky with Connie Burk. Offers guidance to those who work with trauma victims on self-care and strategies to maintain their effectiveness and mindful presence. Lipsky defines �Trauma Stewardship� as the practice of caring for oneself in order to remain effective at--and avoid the negative effects of--caring for others.
The Verbally Abusive Relationship - How to Recognize it and How to Respond , by Patricia Evans, Adams Media (1992)
Victims No More: Girls Fight Back
Against Male Violence by Jennifer
Tucker and Leslie R. Wolfe.
Presents the findings of the Center's
research and current data on girls
and violence. Pdf available at www.centerwomenpolicy.org/publications.
Violence Against Women as Bias
Motivated Hate Crime: Defining the
Issues by Lois Copeland and Leslie
R. Wolfe (Center for Women Policy
Studies, Washington, D.C.; 1991) Order
from: Publications, Center for Women
Policy Studies, 1211 Connecticut Ave,
N.W., Suite 312, Washington, D.C.
20036. tel: (202) 872-1770. This policy
paper places violence against women
in the context of accepted definitions
of hate crimes; it discusses sexism
and violence against women as crimes
of misogyny, and reviews data collection
and the meaning of statistics, flaws
in the federal data collection system,
federal and state hate crime laws,
and the work of organizations and
programs that monitor hate crimes.
Violence Against Women: Current Theory and Practice in Domestic Abuse, Sexual Violence and Exploitation by Nancy Lombard (Jessica Kingsley Pub; 2013) This book seeks to address issues surrounding violence against women at all levels, from its root causes (including looking at child abuse and coercive control) to the specific needs arising in victims of gendered abuse from a particular social or ethnic group. The research draws on expertise from service providers and provides up-to-date information of major issues in sexual violence and ways to tackle the issue.
Violence Against Women: Myths, Facts, Controversies by Walter S. Dekerseredy (University of Toronto Press; 2011) A passionate but well-documented sociological overview of a sobering problem. Dekerseredy challenges the labeling of intimate violence as gender neutral and examines the male role in the violence cycle. The book discusses the structural practices that sustain this violence and debunks the myths which dismiss the threats to women in our society while calling for ground level and structural changes to eliminate this violence.
The Macho Paradox: Why Some Men Hurt Women and How All Men Can Help by Jackson Katz. (Sourcebooks, 2006) Katz, an antisexist male activist, argues for a "far-reaching cultural revolution," exploring those aspects of American culture that promote violence against women, including pornography, prostitution, and other sex-related businesses as well as sexual violence in the military, the music industry, and athletics.
Terrorizing Women, Feminicide in the Am�ricas. By Rosa-Linda Fregoso and Cynthia Bejarano (Duke University Press, 2010). Essays by feminist and human rights activists, attorneys, and scholars from Latin America and the United States, as well as testimonios by relatives of women who were disappeared or murdered are brought together for the first time. In addition to investigating egregious violations of women's human rights, the contributors consider feminicide in relation to neoliberal economic policies, the violent legacies of military regimes, and the sexual fetishization of women's bodies.
Violence Reflections on a National
Epidemic, James Gilligan (Random House paperback, 1997) The author explores the
roots of violence, through his work
as a prison psychiatrist. See also Preventing Violence (Prospects for Tomorrow) (Thames & Hudson, 2001).
What You Really Really Want: The Smart Girl's Shame-Free Guide to Sex and Safety, by Jaclyn Friedman (Seal Press; 2011)
Jaclyn Friedman�co-editor of Yes Means Yes�created this powerful resource guide for young women to decipher the modern world�s hypersexualized, hypocratic, and sometimes dangerous environment. The book offers women an interactive approach to defining their own sexuality, with quizzes, exercise, advice, and skills.
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Rape |
“Acquaintance Rape of College Students” by Rana Sampson, 2002. One of a series called the “Problem-Oriented Guides for Police” published by US Department of Justice, available online at: http://www.cops.usdoj.gov/pdf/e03021472.pdf
Aftermath, by Susan Brison (Princeton University Press; 2003) Author Susan Brison presents her personal narrative of recovery from rape while exploring an interdisciplinary perspective on fear, trauma, and recovery in the aftermath of sexual violence. It offers insight into the experience of a rape survivor but also a critique of our society, where women routinely suffer from sexual violence.
Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape
by Susan Brownmiller (Bantam Books,
New York, NY; 1975) Considers how
male and female relations have changed
through a history of war, social revolt
and disturbance, and examines how
race and power distribution affect
perceptions concerning rape. Ends
by relating ways in which women have
fought back against rape.
Campus Sexual Assault: How America's Institutions of Higher Education Respond (Report to Congress) Heather M. Karjane, Bonnie S. Fisher, and Frank T. Cullen (8/26/02). PDF available at: www.rainn.org/pdf-files-and-other-documents/Public-Policy/Legislative-Agenda/mso44.pdf . In response to increasing concern about the high incidence rate of sexual assaults of young women while attending institutions of higher education (IHE), this Congressionally-mandated investigation comprehensively assesses the policies and procedures used by IHEs to prevent, respond to reports of, and adjudicate incidents of sexual assault. Findings are presented by issue and school type; research and policy recommendations are suggested.
Growing Beyond Survival – A Self-Help Toolkit for Managing Traumatic Stress, by Elizabeth G. Vermilyea, The Sidran Press, 200 E. Joppa Rd, Suite 2087, Towson, MD 21286 www.Sidran.org
If He is Raped – A Guidebook for Parents, Partners, Spouses and Friends, by Alan W. McEvoy, Debbie Rollo and Jeff B. Brookings, Learning Publications 1999.
If She is Raped – A Guidebook for Husbands, fathers and Male Friends , by Alan W. McEvoy and Jeff B. Brookings, Learning Publications INC.
I will Survive, by Lori Robinson (Seal Press 2003) This self-help book is tailored specifically African-American survivors of sexual assault, including their families, friends, and communities.
Just Sex: Students Rewrite the Rules on Sex, Violence, Activism and Equality , Edited by Jodi Gold and Susan Villari (Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 2000) Just Sex chronicles the movement on college campuses to end sexual violence and to mold a new sexual paradigm in which consensual sex and sexual autonomy are the norm.
License To Rape: Sexual Abuse of
Wives by David Finkelhor and Kersti
Yllo (Free Press, New York, NY; 1995)
Challenges myths about rape within
marriage, offering instead testimony
from victims and culprits. Suggests
measures against the crime, both within
the legal system, and through increased
awareness in the media and in communities.
Lived Through This: Listening to the Stories of Sexual Violence, by Anne K. Ream (Beacon Press, 2014) Part personal history of Anne Ream�s own experience rebuilding her life after violence, part memoir of a multi-country, multi-year journey spent listening to survivors, Lived Through This is at once deeply personal and resolutely political.
Men Who Rape: The Psychology of
the Offender by A. Nicholas Groth
(Plenum Press, New York, New York;
1981) Basic reading for anyone working
in the field, it addresses the psychodynamics
and clinical aspects of rapists. It
gives developmental histories of the
life style and motivations of men
who rape, and offers guidelines for
identification, diagnostic assessment,
and treatment.
Rape In Marriage by Diana E.
H. Russell (Macmil-lan, New York,
NY; 1982) Using evidence gathered
from extensive interviews of victims,
it provides an overview of the crime
and describes how some women have
succeeded in stopping it.
Rape Is... (Video/Documentary from Cambridge Documentary Films) . A 30 minute documentary exploring the meaning, severity, and consequences of rape. "Rape is…" looks at rape from a global and historical perspective, but focuses mainly on the domestic cultural conditions that make this human rights violation the most underreported crime in America. See www.rapeis.org.
Rape is Rape: How Denial, Distortion, and Victim Blaming are Fueling a Hidden Acquaintance Rape Crisis by Jody Raphael (Chicago Review Press; 2013). This book uses first hand interviews with victims of rape, media and judicial records, social media analysis, and governmental agencies statistics to unveil the extent and consequences of denying acquaintance rape.
Rape Recovery Handbook: Step-by-Step Help for Survivors of Sexual Assault Aphrodite Matsakis, Ph.D. The Sidran Press, 200 E. Joppa Rd, Suite 207, Towson, MD 21286 www.Sidran.org
Sexual Violence: Our War Against
Rape by Linda A. Fainstein (William
Morrow & Co., New York, NY; 1993)
Fascinating account by the head of
Manhattan's Sex Crimes Prosecution
Unit, detailing cases she has worked
on, and outlining how legal attitudes
to rape have progressed in favor of
women over the past twenty years.
Recovering from Rape by Linda A. Ledray (Holt Publishing, 1994)A book for survivors, their families and loved ones. Contains practical advice on overcoming the trauma of sexual assault and coping with police, hospitals, and the court systems.
“The Sexual Victimization of College Women” , by Cindy Hanford, web writer for the Washington Post. Article published by the Washington Post, March 7, 2002, now posted at NOW website: www.now.org/issues/violence/030702college.html
Surviving Sexual Violence, Liz Kelly (University of Minnesota Press, 1988) A study with women survivors of violence which highlights the continuum of sexual violence in women's lives and how women define their experience and develop strategies to resist, cope with and survive sexual violence.
Surviving the Silence: Black Women's Stories of Rape, Charlotte Pierce-Baker (W.W. Norton & Company 2001) The author weaves together stories of Black women who have been raped and who felt that they needed to remain silent to protect themselves and their race.
Unwanted Sex: The Culture of Intimidation and the Failure of Law , Stephen J. Schulhofer (Harvard University Press, 1998) The author reflects on the failure of rape laws, despite decades of reform attempts, to truly protect women from sexual abuse. He addresses the question of how to create a law which takes seriously the right of sexual autonomy-the right to freely choose whether and when to be sexual with another person.
Telling: A Memoir of Rape and Recovery by Patricia Weaver Francisco (Cliff
Street Books, HarperCollins). The
author uses her own story of recovery
to help others who have been raped
to do the same. In a larger context,
she writes because "I want rape to
be unacceptable."
The Truth About Rape by Teresa M. Lauer (RapeRecovery.com 2002) Answers to more than 40 frequently asked questions about rape and recovery, each from the perspective of both a rape survivor and a professional therapist.
A Woman Scorned: Acquaintance Rape
on Trial by Peggy Reeves Sanday
(Doubleday, New York, NY; 1996) This
bracing study of American sexual culture
and the politics of acquaintance rape
identifies and examines the sexual
stereotypes that continue to obstruct
justice and diminish women.
Transforming a Rape Culture
by Emilie Buchwald, Pamela Fletcher, and Martha Roth (Milkweed Editions; 1995). The new edition of this originally 1993 published book adds discussion about Internet pornography, the role of sports in sexual violence, and rape as a calculated instrument of war. The book includes contributions from activists, leaders, theologians, policymakers and educators from Andrea Dworkin, Michael Messner, Yvette Flores, to Ntozake Shange discussing the intersection of race and rape.
Wife Rape: Understanding the response of survivors and service providers Bergen, Raquel Kennedy. (1996) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Press
with Available Light: A Families
World after Violence, Jamie Kalven
(W.W. Norton & Company 1999) After
his wife is sexually assaulted, the
author struggles to make sense of
the violence against her and to support
her in healing.
Yes Means Yes: Visions of Female Sexual Power and a World Without Rape by Jaclyn Friedman and Jessica Valenti (Seal Press, 2008) Anthology of writings on the topics of the title. Well worth reading, this anthology has a diverse set of responses to the ongoing struggles of people in our culture to end violence and experience healthy sexuality.
Rape Work: Victims, Gender, and Emotions in Organization and Community Context. By Patricia Yancey Martin. (Routledge Press, 2005).
Sexual Assault: The Victims, the Perpetrators, and the Criminal Justice System. Edited by Frances P. Reddington and Betsy Wright Kreisel. (Carolina Academic Press, 2005, 2009).
The Epidemic of Rape and Child Sexual Abuse in the United States. By Diana E. H. Russell and Rebecca M. Bolen. (Sage Publications 2000). This book examines research on the frequency of sexual assault as well as definitions of sexual assault and the political backlash that hits feminist efforts to expose and eradicate sexual abuse. Although published in 2000, its insights remain applicable today.
Treating the Trauma of Rape: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for PTSD. By Edna B. Foa and Barbara Olasov Rothbaum. (The Guilford Press 1998).
to top
Sexual Harassment |
in Sexual Harassment Law Catharine
A. MacKinnon and Reva B. Siegel,
(New York University Press, 2003)
Love of Country: Confronting Rape
& Sexual Harassment in the U.S.
Terri Spahr Nelson. (Haworth Press,
In The People: She Fought Senator
Packwood; Now She Outlines a Grassroots
Workbook for Political Change in
Your Neighborhood, State, and Nation
by Jeanette Lona Fruen. (New Horizon
Press, Far Hills, NJ; 1996).
Sexual Harassment on the Job:
A Step-By-Step Guide for Working
Women by Attorneys William Petrocelli
& Barbara Kate Repa (Nolo Press,
Berkeley; 1992). A guide to sexual
harassment in the workplace, this
book describes what harassment is,
outlines the legislation designed
to combat the problem, offers specific
strategies for ending it, and provides
guidelines for employees to create
harassment policies.
Step Forward: Sexual Harassment
In The Workplace. What You Need
to Know by Susan L. Webb (MasterMedia,
1991). A manual for anyone
in the workplace on recognizing
and dealing with the problem, and
on creating a harassment-free environment.
You Don't Have to Take It: A
Woman's Guide to Confronting Emotional
Abuse at Work by Ginny NiCarthy;
Naomi Gottlieb and Sandra Coffman.
(Seal Press, Seattle, WA; 1993).
The authors share personal experiences
and offer guidance on defining the
problem, developing a remedy and
placing this type of abuse into
the larger social context. The workbook
format helps to view the situation
objectively and to take appropriate
Guyland: the Perilous World Where Boys Become Men (Understanding the Critical Years Between 16 and 26). by Michael Kimmel. (HarperCollins, 2008). Guyland is based on more than 400 interviews over a four-year span with young men, ages 16�26.
to top
Pornography |
Pornography: The Evidence of Hate
by Diana E.H. Russell (Russell Publications,
Berkeley, CA; 1993). Advocating informed
opposition, she reprints and offers
commentary on examples of pornography,
and sets forward a theory of its causative
role in the crime of rape.
“A cruel edge: The painful truth about today's pornography -- and what men can do about it” by Robert Jensen © 2004, available at: http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/%7Erjensen/freelance/pornography&cruelty.htm Portions of this article were published in Ms. Magazine, Spring 2004, pp.54-58, and in Sexual Assault Report, January/February 2004, pp.33-34, 45-48.
Dangerous Relationships: Pornography, Misogyny, and Rape, by Diana H. Russell (Sage Publications, 1998). A quality collection and examination of research on pornography and its impact on consumers.
The Drug of the New Millennium: The Science of How Internet Pornogrphy Radically Alters the Human Brain and Body, by Mark B. Kastleman (PowerThink Publishing 2007). In this straight-forward, practical guidebook, Kastleman argues that a internet pornography epidemic has swept across America. The book studies the brain�s scientific response to pornography use, which as the author argues may lead to some very dangerous side effects. It offers suggestions for parents, spouses, and community members to educate their children and families.
Female Chauvinist Pigs: Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture by Ariel Levy (Free Press, 2005) According to Robin Morgan, Ariel Levy�s book deals with how �U.S. commercialism has mainstreamed pornography, popularized raunch images (and practices), and revived female �bimbo� roles. This is a call to arms for women and girls who are being sold pseudo empowerment, phony liberation, and fake rebellion�instead of the real thing: freedom. A must-read for young women�and everyone else�
Getting Off: Pornography and the End of Masculinity by Robert Jensen (South End Press, 2007)The author shows how mainstream pornography reinforces social definitions of manhood, influences men�s attitudes about women, and plays a devastating role in defining masculinity in our culture.
Just a John?: Pornography and Men�s Choices by Robert Jensen. Talk at St. John�s University at the Second Annual Conference on the College Male. This presentation addresses the ways in which men use pornography to commoditize women by confronting men�s participation in defending and facilitating the sex trade. This talk is available in print at http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~rjensen/freelance/justajohn.pdf.
In Harm's Way: The Pornography
Civil Rights Hearings by Catharine
A. MacKinnon and Andrea Dworkin (Harvard
University Press, 1997). This book
documents the testimony of men and
women whose lives were impacted by
pornography and who worked to support
the passage of a civil rights law
that would make pornographers accountable
for their product.
Life and Death, by Andrea Dworkin (Free Press; 2002). A collection of Andrea Dworkin�s articles, essays, and speeches on pornography, domestic violence, rape, and prostitution.
Making Violence Sexy: Feminist
Views on Pornography by Diana
E.H. Russell (Athena Series, Teachers
College Press, New York, NY; 1993).
Collection of feminist articles covering
testimony of sufferers of pornography
and violence, a review of various
academic research, and a final section
on individual subversions and collective
actions that resist pornography's
powerful place in society.
Men Confront Pornography edited
by Michael S. Kimmel (Crown Publishers,
Inc., New York, NY; 1990). Diverse
male contributors examine the role
of pornography in their own lives,
covering issues of sexuality, politics,
violence, and their relationships
with and views on other men and women.
Ms. Magazine -- January/February
1994. Pornography issue. Includes
round table discussion between prominent
feminists and a range of articles
on the subject.
Not For Sale: Feminists Resisting Prostitution and Pornography , Christine Stark and Rebecca Whisnant eds (Spinifex Press, North Melbourne; 2004)
As prostitution and pornography increasingly saturate our lives and our communities, they are also becoming normalised and accepted as harmless entertainment for men and as legitimate, even liberating, forms of work for women. Not for Sale brings the feminist movement against prostitution and pornography into the 21st century, showing how these industries cause grievous harm to those within them while undermining the possibilities for gender justice, human equality, and truly diverse and joyful sexual experiences.
Only Words, Catharine MacKinnon (Harvard University Press 1996)
Only Words contends that pornography, racial and sexual harassment, and racial hate speech are acts of intimidation, subordination, terrorism, and discrimination, and should be legally treated as such.
Pornified: How Pornography is Transforming Our Lives, Our Relationships, and Our Families by Pamela Paul (Times Books, 2005) From a Booklist review: Paul details how the ubiquity of pornography impacts our personal lives. She discusses studies on the subject--in one, 77 percent of respondents said they had looked at pornography at least once in a 30-day period--and shares interviews with many who watch it regularly. Paul's analysis is wide-ranging: why men look at porn and how porn affects them, how women see pornography, how porn affects sexual relationships, the effects of porn on children.
Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality. By Gail Dines. (Beacon Press, 2010) Gail Dines. Dines argues that as pornography has become both more extreme and more commercial, it has dehumanized sexual relationships. She argues that the radical objectifications and brutal denigration of women in porn impacts our society more broadly then is regularly understood.
Pornography: Men Possessing Women, Andrea Dworkin, (Penguin Books, 1989) (with a new introduction) The harm of pornography to women is clearly laid out.
Pornography: The Production and Consumption of Inequality by Gail Dines (Routledge Press, 1997)A classic analysis of the pornography industry and its impact on women�s equality.
Take Back The Night: Women on Pornography Laura Lederer (William Morrow & Co.,
New York, NY; 1989). Wide ranging
collection of essays on pornography.
Includes a section on the cultural
trends that direct men towards pornography.
The Price We Pay: The Case Against Racist Speech, Hate Propaganda, and Pornography edited by Laura Lederer and Richard Delgado (Hill and Wang, New York, NY; 1995). A lively collection of essays against racist speech, hate propaganda, and pornography, with an emphasis on the legal status of such work and of opposition towards it. Ranging from personal accounts of its detrimental effects to theoretical analyses, later essays formulate new legal paradigms to combat the problem.
The Porning of America: the Rise of Porn Culture, What it Means, and Where We Go from Here, by Carmine Sarracino and Kevin M. Scott (Beacon Press; 2008). This book discusses how mainstream porn culture has become�from its inclusion in our language, entertainment, fashion, advertising, behavior, and even politicis.
Wired for Intimacy: How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain. By William M. Struthers. (Intervarsity Press, 2009). This book has been described as marrying �an advanced understanding of neurobiology with a thoughtful theology of sexuality and a comprehensive discussion of intimacy.� Discusses pornography and its use by men from a biological, emotional, and relational perspective. (note: the author identifies as Christian and appears to be writing for an primarily Christian-identified audience.)
to top
Trafficking/Prostitution |
Comparative Study of Women Trafficked
in the Migration Process, Janice
G. Raymond, Jean D'Cunha, Siti Ruhaini
Dzuhayatin, H, Patricia Hynes, Zoraida
Ramirez Rodriguez, Aida Santos,
This study describes the patterns,
profiles and health consequences
of sexual exploitation in five countries:
Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand,
Venezuela and the United States.
Available at: www.catwinternational.org
Behind the Wedding Veil: Child Marriage as a Form of Trafficking in Girls, by Elizabeth Warner 12 Am. U.J. Gender 233 (2004). Legal article outlining how child marriage violates the international anti-trafficking convention.
Children in the Global Sex Trade, by Julia O�Connell Davidson, (Polity; 2005). This book explores the complexities of the global child sex industry, drawing attention to the multitude of ways in which children become implicated in the sex trade. It discusses the different facets of sexual exploitation of children, including trafficking, prostitution and pornography.
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: Youth Involved in Prostitution, Pornography & Sex Trafficking, Laura A. Barnitz, Youth Advocate Program International 1998. Around the world hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of children are involved in the sex trade. This booklet provides an overview of factors that put children at risk of entering the sex trade and identifies the practices of those who profit from and abuse these children. The booklet also enumerates efforts to stop this abuse, as outlined by the First World Congress Against the Commercial Exploitation of Children.
A Crime So Monstorous: Face-to-Face With Modern-Day Slavery, by E. Benjamin Skinner (2008) After spending time in various countries where the prevalence of human trafficking is at its worst, Skinner reports the stories of those who live in slavery, those who have escaped from bondage, those who own or traffic in slaves, and the mixed political motives of those who seek to combat the crime.
Ending Slavery: How We Free Today�s Slaves, by Kevin Bales (University of California Press; 2008) This book describes how, even with the abolishment of slavery, global slavery is still a very real horror. The author explains governmental and individual involvement in the fight to end this ancient evil and presents the solutions that may finally lead to its extinction.
Sexual Slavery, Kathleen Barry,
New York University Press 1979.
This book is the first to expose
the industry of female sexual slavery.
Gangs and Girls: Understanding Juvenile Prostitution, by Michel Dorais and Patrice Corriveau (Mcgill Queens University Press; 2009). Qualitative research piece aimed at analyzing street gangs and their involvement in female juvenile prostitution. It discusses the process of gang recruitment and how young girls become attracted to gang members who eventually lead them into prostitution.
Garden of Truth: The Prostitution and Trafficking of Native Women in Minnesota, by Melissa Farley, Nicole Matthews, Sarah Deer, Guadalupe Lopez, Christine Stark, Eileen Hudon. Research by Minnesota Indian Women�s Sexual Assault Coalition and Prostitution Research & Education. The full report is available in pdf at http://miwsac.org/images/stories/garden%20of%20truth%20final%20project%20web.pdf.
Girls Like Us, by Rachel Lloyd (HarperCollins Publisher, 2011) A former teenage sex worker tells the story of her escape from the sex trade. She describes how she founded GEMS, a program in New York to help children, some as young as 11 years old, whom like her were sexually exploited at shockingly early ages.
�The Girls Next Door (How Sex Trafficking Works)" by Peter Landesman, in The New York Times, January 25, 2004" available at: http://www3.baylor.edu/~Charles_Kemp/sex_trafficking_details.htm
Globalization, Prostitution and Sex-Trafficking: Corporeal Politics, by Elina Penttinen, by Elina Penttinen (Routledge; 2007) Drawing on extensive observation of female sex workers in Russian and Baltic areas, Penttinen demonstrates how globalization is tied to gender constructs.
Human Trafficking: In the News, by Joyce Hart (Rosin Publishing Group; 2009) Introductory book to human trafficking. It provides a good illustration for basic understanding.
The Industrial Vagina: The Political Economy of the Global Sex Trade, by Shelia Jeffreys (Routledge; 2008) This book examines how the sex industry has moved from being small-scale and socially unacceptable practice to becoming very profitable market sector that in some areas is being legalized and/or decriminalized by governments.
Lawyer�s Manual on Human Trafficking: Pursuing Justice for Victims, edited by Jill Laurie Goodman and Dorchen A. Leidholdt (2011). A legal guide to the understanding of human trafficking for anyone concerned about ending this abuse. For a copy of the guide, email [email protected]
The Idea of Prostitution, by Shelia Jeffreys (Spinifex Press; 2009). This report explores prostitution and other aspects of the sex trade, including male prostitution, military brothels, and pornography, and its initial roles as a form of sexual freedom and a way for women to escape poverty. It compares slavery and rape and advocates for ending sexual violence.
Making the Harm Visible: The Global Sexual Exploitation of Women and Girls, Speaking out and Providing Services. Edited by: Donna Hughes and Claire Roche Published by the Coalition Against Trafficking in WomenFebruary 1999. A compilation of feminist essays on sexual exploitation around the world.
Profiting from Abuse, UNICEF, 2001. This report presents the moving words of children victimized by the sex industry as well as commentary by experts in the field.
Not for Sale: The Return of the Global Sex Slave Trade�and How We Can Fight It, by David Batstone (Harper One; 2010). Batstone exposes the alarming rise of one of the human slavery through his accounts of survivors. This account refers to the movement against human trafficking as the �twenty-first century abolitionist movement,� and promotes the end of modern day slavery.
Great Hobby, by Lara Janson, et al. This online resource published by Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation provides an analysis of online networks for buyers of sex in Illinois. The study offers a unique glimpse into the hidden world of the online sex trade and allows a better understanding of the role of the internet in trafficking and sexual exploitation.
Prostitution and Trafficking in Nevada: Making the Connections, by Melissa Farley, Published by Prostitution Research and Education, 2007Prostitution and Trafficking in Nevada addresses the scope of the sex industry in Nevada, including human rights violations against women in the Nevada legal brothels. The book describes how the multibillion-dollar illegal sex industry in Las Vegas works. Sex trafficking from within and outside of the US, advertising for prostitution, political corruption, pornography, organized crime and the constant demand of men for paid sex - all contribute to prostitution and trafficking in Nevada.
Sex Trafficking: The Global Market in Women and Children by Kathryn Farr (W.H. Freeman & Co. 2005). This book documents the macro and micro impact of trafficking women and children into the sex industry on a global scale.
Sisters Speak Out: The Lives and Needs of Prostituted Women in Chicago A Research Study by Jody Raphael and Deborah L. Shapiro (The Center for Impact Research, August 2002) A report documenting the experiences and needs of women in prostitution. Available online in the publications section of the website of the Center for Impact Research: www.impactresearch.org.
The Slave Next Door: Human Trafficking and Slavery in America Today, by Kevin Bales and Ron Soodalter (University of California Press; 2010) A disturbing insight into human slavery in the United States. This book offers first hand testimony from the slaves, slaveholders, and traffickers as well as counselors, law enforcement officers, and support groups.
So Great a Violence: Prostitution,
Trafficking and the Global Sex Industry.
Video produced by the Coalition
Against Trafficking in Women. This
documentary focuses on the international
sex industry, which reaps billions
of dollars from the recruitment,
transport, sale and/or purchase
of women and children for the purpose
of sexual exploitation. The video
explodes myths about prostitution
and sex trafficking, and spotlights
the men who create the demand for
the sexual exploitation of women
and girls. To obtain the video,
order from CATW at www.catwinternational.org
Somebody�s Daughter: The Hidden Story of America�s Prostituted Children and the Battle to Save Them, by Julian Sher (Chicago Review Press; 2011) This book debunks the wrongly belief that sex trafficking only involves young women from foreign lands. This book discusses the reality that in reality, it is American youth who often become the victims of the sex trade.
The Link Between Prostitution and Sex Trafficking U.S. Department of State White Paper, 2004. This document sets forward the position taken by the U.S. Department of State in opposition to prostitution and sex trafficking, and provides references to the research supporting its position.
The Selling of Innocents. A film by Ruchira Gupta about the sex industry in Nepal and India. Focuses on brothels, prisons, and police raids, and the pipeline that traffics girls and women between Nepal and India. For broadcast information, or to purchase the film www.apneaap.org/policy-work/our-resources/videos/selling-innocents-film-ruchira-gupta
Temporarily Yours: Intimacy, Authenticity, and the Commerce of Sex, by Elizabeth Bernstein (University of Chicago Press; 2007). Research reveals that in large cities such as San Francisco, Stockhol, and Amsterdam, the sex industry is changing. Bernstien examines how contemporary sex markets boundaries have been redrawn to include a more �personal� experience, inviting unforeseen changes in the organization of sexual labor.
Trafficking, Prostituion, and Inequality, Catherine MacKinnon discusses the debate about prostitution and the cultural belief that sexual exploitation is somehow different from �sex work�. MacKinnon examines the influences that have kept prostitution alive in today�s world and argues that it is the male demand that has kept the institution thriving. This publication can be found in pdf at
in Persons, a Guide for Non-Governmental
Organizations, Women's Bureau
of the US department of Labor, 2002.
An introduction to the problem in
the US, with a guide to US government
sectors and departments working
on the issue.
to top
Female Genital Mutilation |
Cutting The Rose. Female Genital
Mutilation: The Practice and its
Prevention by Efua Dorkenoo
(Minority Rights Publications, London,
England; 1994) This medical expert
explains the cultural background
to FGM, but argues clearly and authoritatively
for its abolition as an abuse of
human rights and as a dangerous
and unnecessary mutilation. She
offers examples of ways to handle
sensitive situations so that girls
are protected, without their families
feeling slighted.
Do They Hear You When You Cry?
by Fauziya Kasinga & Layli Miller
Bashir (Delacorte Press; 1998. ISBN
0385318324) A true story chronicling
the struggles of a woman who fled
her African homeland to escape female
genital mutilation only to be locked
up in American prisons for 16 months;
and the 23-year-old lawyer who fought
for her freedom.
The International Crime of Genital
Mutilation by Gloria Steinem
and Robin Morgan. Outrageous Acts
and Everyday Rebellions by Gloria
Steinem (Henry Holt & Co., New York,
NY; 1995). An introduction to the
Prisoners of Ritual: An Odyssey
into Female Genital Circumcision
in Africa by Hanny Lightfoot-Klein
(Harrington Park Press, New York,
NY; 1989). The author traveled alone,
learning about the continent, the
cultures, and the phenomenon of
female genital mutilation.
Warrior Marks by Alice Walker
and Pratibha Parmar (Harvest Books;
1996. ISBN 0156002140) Part memoir,
part travelogue, part photographic
journey, this nonfiction follow-up
to Walker's best-selling novel Possessing
the Secret of Joy is an investigation
into the subject of female genital
Genital Mutilation: A Guide to Laws
and Policies Worldwide, Anika
Rahman and Nahid Toubia, MD, St.
Martin's Press, 2000. This report
is a global review and human rights
analysis of laws and policies on
FC/FGM. The publication is a guide
to international human rights law
and governments' obligations under
these laws as they pertain to FC/FGM.
It also makes FC/FGM policy recommendations
to governments and Non Governmental
Organizations working on advocacy,
as well as documenting the FC/FGM
legislation from African countries
in which FC/FGM is prevalent and
from countries in which sizable
FC/FGM-practicing immigrant communities
Genital Mutilation: An Overview,
Nahid Toubia, MD and Susan Izett,
M.P.H. World Health Organization (Can be ordered via Women, Ink) 1998.
A review of literature on the prevalence
and epidemiology, and health consequences
of female circumcision/female genital
mutilation. It also reviews past
research and suggests an agenda
for future research.
A Voice for the Eradication of Female
Genital Mutilation. This news;etter
published 3 times a year provides
a forum for information and discussion
to promote a better understanding
and a more effective strategy for
the eradication of FGM. AWAKEN is
published in English, French and
Arabic and contains the most up
to date news on the FGM found anywhere.
Awaken can be ordered through Equality
Now (www.equalitynow.org).
to top
Domestic Violence |
Battered Wives by Del Martin
(Volcano Press, San Francisco, CA;
1981) Critical summaries of the legal
and political status of battered wives,
and the extent to which their predicament
must be understood in broad political
terms, as a problem which lies within
the institution of marriage, historical
attitudes to women, the economy, and
inadequacies in the legal and social
service systems. She suggests that
police and prosecutor functions be
constrained, and advocates gun control
laws, equal rights and marriage contract
legislation to combat the problem.
Battered Women, Children And Welfare
Reform: The Ties That Bind, edited
by Ruth A. Brandwein. (Sage Publications) This is a collection
of essays on the link between domestic
violence and the welfare system. The
authors� expertise ranges from economic
support to battered women who are
trying to flee abusive situations
to dangers in pursuing child support
and how the new welfare laws will
affect abused women.
Caregiver Abuse and Domestic Violence
in the Lives of Women with Disabilities,
published by the Domestic Violence
Initiative for Women with Disabilities.
Order from: Berkeley Planning Associates,
attention Pat Spikes-Calvin, 440 Grand
Avenue Suite 500, Oakland, CA 94610,
(510) 465-7664.
Coercive Control: How Men Entrap Women in Personal Life, by Evan Stark (Oxford University Press, 2007)This book discusses the ways in which men subjugate women through methods that resemble kidnapping and indentured servitude. The author argues that such �non-violent� abuse should be regarded as human rights violations and suggests that law, policy, and advocacy must shift its focus to the ways in which such coercive control jeopardizes women�s freedom in everyday life.
Death from Child Abuse
No One Heard, by Eve Krupinski,
Dana Weikel, and John G. Cronin (Currier
Davis Publishing, 1986). The first
section of this book tells the true
story of a young girl's death at the
hands of her mother's abusive boyfriend.
The second part contains an extensive
(updated in 2002) guide to dealing
with child abuse and neglect, domestic
and dating violence.
Domestic Violence in Immigrant
and Refugee Communities: Asserting
the Rights of Battered Women,
by Deeana L. Jang, Esq., Leni Marin
and Gail Pendelton. (Published by
the Family Violence Prevention Fund, 1997) This is written for battered
women�s advocates, immigrant rights
advocates, immigration attorneys,
family law practitioners, and legal
service providers. Information included
is on new welfare restrictions on
battered immigrant women, an overview
of domestic violence in immigrant
and refugee communities, and a resource
Domestic Violence Report published
by the Civic Research Institute. Newsletter
produced six times a year. Its main
subscribers are those who work in
the fields of domestic violence, lawyers,
police and academics. It contains
updates in all fields, including new
legislative information, materials,
scientific articles, and judicial
cases. To order order see www.civicresearchinstitute.com. Also from the Civic
Research Institute, the Sexual Abuse
Report., on law, prevention, protection,
enforcement, treatment and health
relating to sexual abuse.
Ending Domestic Violence: Changing
Public Perceptions/Halting the Epidemic
by Ethel Klein, Jacquelyn Campbell,
Esta Soler and Marissa Ghez (SAGE
Publications; 1997)
A valuable and timely overview of
changes in public attitudes and behavior
on domestic violence. The book analyzes
their implications for advocates constructing
public education campaigns on the
Getting Free by Genny NiCarthy
(Seal Press, Seattle, WA; 1986) A
practical and inspirational guide
for victims of domestic violence.
In Love and In Danger: A Teen�s Guide to Breaking Free from Abusive Relationships by Barrie Levy (Seal Press;1998). This book provides information for teenagers who have questions about abusive dating relationships, tips to determine whether a relationship is unhealthy, as well as suggestions to help them understand their situation, learn how to escape, how to find help, and how to build healthy relationships.
Justifiable Homicide: Battered
Women, Self-Defense, and the Law
by Cynthia K. Gillespie (Ohio State
University Press, Columbus, Ohio;
1989) Analyses the gender bias enshrined
in self-defense laws, cites individual
cases, and suggests modifications
to law, to prevent cases of battering
being followed by further injustices
in the courts.
Legal Help for Battered Women
by Lisa Lerman (Center for Women Policy
Studies, Washington, D.C.; 1989) A handbook of
advice and information about the law
and legal remedies written for women
confronting domestic violence. Available at www.centerwomenpolicy.org.
Living With the Enemy by Donna
Ferrato (Domestic Abuse Awareness,
Inc.; 212-367-7004). The culmination
of photographer Donna Ferrato's 10
years of research while living with
abused women in homes, battered women's
shelters, prisons, and riding with
the police.
Ms. Magazine - September/October,
1994. Domestic Violence issue. Includes
an interview with the author Ann Jones,
and articles on the connections between
violence and children, the legal system,
personal identity, civil rights, and
men. Lists resources and groups.
Ms. Magazine - September/October,
1990. Violence Against Women issue.
Includes articles on the misogynist,
violent attitudes at large in our
Next Time She'll Be Dead: Battering
& How to Stop It by Ann Jones
(Beacon Press, Boston, MA; 1994) Exposes
linguistic habits and ingrained bias
in the criminal justice system, media
and clergy, which have the effect
of placing the responsibility for
male violence on the victim not the
perpetrator. Offers specific changes
to make and action to take to effect
change and support women and children.
Open Minds Open Doors, a Technical
Assistance Manual, published by
DVIWD. To help domestic violence service
providers become physically and attitudinally
accessible to women with disabilities.
Order directly from: NCADV, PO Box
18749, Denver, CO 80218, tel: (303)
Surviving Domestic Violence: Voices
of Women Who Broke Free by Elaine
Weiss and Michael Magill (Agreka books,
To Be An Anchor in the Storm: A Guide for Families and Friends of Abused Women (Seal Press, 2000) by Susan Brewster. This educational and practical guide provides tools for friends and family of victims of domestic violence.
Trapped By Poverty/Trapped By Abuse:
New Evidence Documenting the Relationship
Between Domestic Violence and Welfare
by Jody Raphael (Taylor Institute;
Chicago, IL) and Richard Tolman (University
of Michigan Research Development Center
on Poverty, Risk, and Mental Health)
April 1, 1997 available in pdf at: http://humanservices.ucdavis.edu/resource/uploadfiles/x%20Trapped%20by%20Poverty,%20Trapped%20by%20Abuse.pdf
Victims As Offenders: The Paradox of Women�s Violence in Relationships by Susan Miller (Rutgers University Press 2005) An analysis of current research on the use of violence by women in abusive relationships.
When Battered Women Kill by
Angela Browne (Free Press; New York,
New York; 1987) Spotlights the perceptions
and reactions of women who kill their
abusive mates and the context within
which such homicides occur. Uses case
histories to trace the progression
of abusive relationships through from
the earliest stages to the killing
of the abuser.
When Love Goes Wrong: What to Do When You Can�t Do Anything Right (Harper Perennial Publishing, 1993) by Susan Schechter & Ann Jones. This book provides guidance on dealing with an abusive relationship, options for leaving a relationship, finding safety and support. It also includes a list of agencies that offer assistance.
When Violence Begins at Home: A
Comprehensive Guide to Understanding
and Ending Domestic Violence by
Dr. K. J. Wilson (Hunter House publishers 1997)
Contains useful information on how
to educate the public, the government
and the media about domestic violence
and how to motivate people to take
action to understand and stop domestic
A Woman Like You: The Face of Domestic
Violence by Vera Anderson (Seal
Press, Seattle, WA; 1997) Profiles
of women who have first hand experience
with domestic violence.
Women Who Kill by Ann Jones
(Beacon Press, Boston, MA; 1996) Explores
how and why women have killed throughout
American history, and what their cases
reveal about social prejudices and
the legal practices that still prevail.
It shows hard truths about American
society and women's place in it.
Working with Battered Immigrant
Women: A Handbook to Make Services
Accessible by Leti Volpp and Leni
Martin. (Family Violence
Prevention Fund) This handbook,
which is available in English and
Spanish, includes explanation of the
options for battered immigrant women.
This handbook also includes first-person
experiences with domestic violence
and information on how immigration
status can be used as a tool of domestic
You Have a Right to Be Free from
Violence in Your Home: Questions &
Answers for Immigrant and Refugee
Women (Family Violence
Prevention Fund) This
brochure is available in English,
Spanish, Arabic, Vietnamese, Russian,
Tagalog, Korean, and Chinese and includes
tips on what to do if you are in danger,
and what laws are in place to help
protect you.
You Are Not Alone – Guide for Battered Women , by Linda P. Rouse, (Learning Publications 1996)
to top
Child Sexual Abuse |
By Silence Betrayed: Sexual Abuse
of Children in America by John
Crewdson (Little, Brown & Co., New
York, NY; 1988). A journalist's
overview of the abuse of male and
female children, with chapters on
legal recourse, therapy, and prevention.
Child Sexual Abuse: Disclosure, Delay, and Denial ed. By Margaret-Ellen Pipe, Michael E. Lamb, Yael Orbach, Ann-Christin Cederborg (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007)This book assesses the research relating to the disclosure of childhood sexual abuse, along with the practical and policy implications of the findings. Leading researchers and practitioners offer commentary on previously unpublished findings.
The Courage to Heal: A Guide
for Women Survivors of Child Sexual
Abuse by Ellen Bass and Laura
Davis (Perennial Library/Harper
& Row, 1988). An analysis and a
personal workbook.
Crossing the Boundary: Black
Women Survive Incest by Melba
Wilson (Seal Press Feminist Publishing,
Seattle, WA; 1994) Looks at myths
and realities of the problem, and
considers incest in the work of
Black women writers. Works towards
an understanding of the problem
and a way of surviving.
Ending the Cycle of Violence: Community Responses to Children of Battered Women, by Einat Peled, Jeffrey Edelson & Peter Jaffe (Sage Publications; 1994) This book offers practical information on providing children of battered women shelter, counseling, education, and other services.
For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty
in Childrearing and the Roots of
Violence by Alice Miller (Farrar,
Straus & Giroux, New York, NY; 1990)
Explores the backgrounds of extreme
cases of self-destructive and violent
individuals, to consider the longterm
consequences of abusive childrearing.
Shows how traditional upbringing
can perpetuate hidden cruelty, and
how one can work to unlock a repressed
emotional life.
Silence: Denial and the Crisis in
the Church by Donald B. Cozzens
(Liturgical Press, 2002) Analysis
of the child sexual abuse crisis
in the Catholic church, by a former
She Who Was Lost Is Remembered:
Healing from Incest Through Creativity
by Louise M. Wisechild (Editor)(Seal
Press, Seattle, WA; 1991). Anthology
of more than thirty women visual
artists, musicians, and writers,
who offer essays on how creativity
can help to mend from childhood
Trauma and Recovery by Judith
Herman (Basic Books; 1994) Draws
on her research on domestic violence,
and on a vast literature on combat
veterans and victims of political
terror, to show parallels between
the two. Advocates a unique approach
to recovery from these traumas,
demanding a therapist's departure
from moral neutrality, and a recovery
based on integration rather than
Trauma: The Logic of Forgetting
Childhood Abuse, Jennifer J.
Freyd, (Harvard University Press, 1969). Betrayal Trauma discusses
repressed memories and explains
how and why they occur especially
in the case of child sexual abuse.
Herself a survivor pf child sexual
abuse who repressed memories, the
author explores "the logic
of forgotten abuse," weaving
her own experience with psychological
Survivors: Uncovering Incest and
Its after Aftereffects in Women
E. Sue Blume, Ballantine Books,
Secret Survivors focuses on what
incest does to survivors. E. Sue
Blume shows how incest is often
at the root of such problems as
depression, sexual and eating disorders,
drug and alcohol abuse, and phobias
and panic disorders.
in Healing: When the Person You
Love Was Sexually Abused as a Child
by Laura Davis, Harper Perennial,
(Harper Perennial, 1991) Based on in-depth interviews and her workshops for partners across the country, Laura Davis offers practical advice and encouragement to all partners -- girlfriends, boyfriends, spouses, and lovers -- trying to support the survivors in their lives while tending to their own needs.