Dear Kelly --
I wish that I could connect all of the
people who write to me with letters like
yours. I could connect some of your virtually,
but it just doesn't seem to be as satisfying.
One thought is to reach out via -- when I first heard about the site -- mostly through the Howard Dean campaign,
I was shocked that I hadn't started it because it was just what I needed
at Ask Amy, a way to connect all of the
disparate people who reach out to me
at Ask Amy with a desire to get connected/get
Beyond that -- there are book
clubs, knitting circles -- all are
really just an excuse to get together --
and usually among politically minded people.
If something doesn't exist in your
community -- initiate it. It's very likely
that others feel exactly like you do and
will welcome that someone else took the
initiative. I hope that helps.
And also,
your note seemed very apropos to my current
book project -- Opting In: The Case
for Motherhood and Feminism. I haven't written
it yet, but I might be back in touch
since you seem like a good subject.
again for reaching out and good luck
connecting with others.
-- Amy