Dear Lori -
I totally hear what you are saying --
been there!
Others have tried to rectify
the situation by encouraging the "powerful group" --
i.e. straight or white or middle class --
to organize their own group, but addressing
the issues of the "oppressed" group.
That never sat right with me especially as
long as the focus is ultimately inclusion
-- segregation rarely creates that result.
I think that an ideal situation is for the
group to forum and initially only be for
that group -- but once a month or something
like that open the meeting up -- but have
a limit and then after a year or so see if
the mission of the group has been filled
and if it's safe even if "others" are
I once attended a meeting sponsored
by the Latina Institute for Reproductive
Rights -- that agenda was a piece of Supreme
Court legislation and I had to leave half
way through. As the only non-Latina there,
the organizer said to me later -- "glad
you came, but glad you left." I think
that's the type of space that should
be created -- inclusive, but with a limit.
I hope that helps,
-- Amy