Hello Amy,
I am giving a presentation to a group of women and I want to speak to power, women and relationships between women in the workplace --raising to a level of awareness how women can sometimes be our worst enemy instead of our best friend when confronting challenges in the workplace.
In particular, taking "woman's inhumanity to woman" to another level to question why there appears to be greater support for women of color by white men, rather than white women -- and greater discrimination of women by women generally. I do not know whether you agree with this premise -- but it has been my observation and experience -- Are there any books or research on this that you can point me to -- Thanks,
Dear Barbara,
There are two books in particular that you should look at -- Phyllis Chesler's Woman's Inhumanity to Women -- just like you said -- and Leora Tanenbaum's Catfight. Rosalind Wiseman's book Queen Bees and Wannabees would be good, too, but that's
directed at girls rather than women.
Good luck,
-- Amy