am a student at Neumann College in Pennsylvania.
I am trying to complete my research paper
on the women's rights movement and how gender,
race, and class affect the advancement of
women in the political and social arena.
If anyone would be able to respond to this
I would greatly appreciate this. I started
my paper with the first wave of the movement
but I am looking to close my paper with
where women are today in the political and
economically arena. Also I am curious as
to how differently you view the third wave
of the movement from the first two waves. Any
comments would be greatly appreciated!
Dear Linda,
race and class have everything to do with
how women advance in the political and social
arena - i.e. wealthier white women have
had much more success at advancing than
poor Latina women. This is why feminism
is often misunderstood as a white women's
movement - because white, college-educated,
wealthier or middle class women have gained
the most from the work of feminists. However,
this isn't where feminism ends and that's
why we need to constantly put as much emphasis
on race and class as we do on gender.
I often speak at college campuses and students
say , "but, where are the inequalities?"
I explain that they might not have any given
their circumstances, but that doesn't mean
that other women don't and because feminism
isn't a selfish movement, one woman won't
be liberated until all women have access
to those same resources and choices.
I don't think there is much of a difference
between the second and third waves of feminism.
Both have as their goal the full social,
political and economic equality of all people.
The difference is sometimes on tactics (i.e.
the third wave's approach of working within
the mainstream rather than against it and
via the culture not solely through politics
and via consciousness change, not just legislative
change.) Plus, young women's contribution
to feminism was being overlooked by many
second wave feminists, and so they needed
this outlet to give visibility to their
work, etc. I hope that helps - good luck.