for your first question -- have
you heard of this book called
Reel Women? You might be able
to find something in there.
I would also try Women Make
Movies, a distribution house
-- though they have historically
been pretty unhelpful. Now,
for your zine....I had an idea
for a title -- Common Denominator
-- because you seem to be making
the case I do constantly: that
feminism is really for everyone
and it's really a part of everyone's
life whether we choose to embrace
it or not. This way you don't
have to be direct about the
goal, but indirect and thus
perhaps more welcoming to people
who might not otherwise pick
it up. Though I'm sure you can
come up with a much better title
that makes the same point. There
are a couple of things you need
to get in order:
A mailing list, which will grow
as you grow. For now, just start
with anyone you have ever know.
Even if you don't think they
would be interested, they might
surprise you. You could have
a mailing list party, where
everyone has to bring at least
20 names of people. Maybe the
guy who sells you your coffee,
your doctor, your old camp counselor
or babysitter, your best friend,
you aunt, the guy who you sit
next to in English class. Really
anyone and as you grow this
will grow. I can't emphasize
how crucial it is to start building
this list -- it will your mainstay.
Once you have this list together
you will have a sense of how
many initial copies you will
need and thus how much it will
cost. Do you know of a sympathetic
teacher or parent or anyone
who can get you access to a
copy machine? That's really
all you need -- I wouldn't do
anything fancy -- just type
or hand-write and Xerox. This
shouldn't cost you much -- especially
if you can get someone to do
it for free. Print more than
your list because you will want
to just drop some at the local
coffee shop. The other big expense
is postage -- and there really
isn't anyway around that.
could have a mailing party and
everyone could chip in 5 stamps
- or something doable like that.
Depending on the size you will
have to figure out how much
it will cost.
Content -- I think it's important
to keep the first issue small.
You want it to be accessible,
and sadly, our generation has
the patience of a fly. If you
just have too much, perhaps
save some stuff for the next
issue. For distribution purposes,
perhaps you want to include
in the zine somewhere a tear
sheet that says "send this zine
to the following people and
they can send this back to you."
This means that you are making
other people grow your list
for you.