you look at any gain that has
been made in parenting -- from
family leave to possible wages
for homemaking to valuing "parenting"
or "mothering" as a profession
-- it is entirely due to feminists.
I think that there remains some
confusion about what is the
ideal situation, because we
don't yet value that each person's
individual choices are just
that and not a rejection of
ours. As is, stay at homes feel
judged by working mothers and
vice versa. Most of this is
entirely based on the other
person's perceptions, not the
reality of the situation. Feminists
get blamed for this, when it's
really the individual women
who are doing the judging. I
think that the workplace needs
to change to accommodate the
demands we all have at home
and this is what feminists are
trying to do, as well as trying
to get wages or at least attributed
wages for those mothers or fathers
who stay at home full time.