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I'm an older feminist and wonder where feminism is heading into the year 2000, the millennium? By the way, I happened to see the newest Ms. under new ownership. It looks interesting, exciting and a little different. I hope it's here to stay under Ms. Steinem and friends. My congratulations to Gloria and the rest of the women who now own Ms. - Carol

Thanks for your note to FEMINIST.COM--and for all of your good words about Ms. Magazine. I will certainly pass your well wishes along to them.

For the 21st century--I think feminism is heading in much same direction--toward equality. To get there, I think that we will put more emphasis on changing institutions and less emphasis on changing individuals. For instance, the workplace needs to change--as does the amount of money needed to be a viable political candidate. Also, sadly, we have witnessed the demise of our participatory democracy. In order to be accountable and to hold our politicians accountable, we need to be a more active voting population and remind people that Congress represents us, so 1.) it should look like us; and 2.) it should sound like us.

That's some food for thought. Thanks again.


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