for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
I think that you are having
a hard time finding groups that
specifically label themselves
"leftist feminist" because today
most feminist groups are inherintly
leftist--though the same can't
be said for all leftist groups.
A specific group that is more
"leftist" is Radical Women,
which has been around and active
for almost 30 years. There is
also historical groups such
as Redstockings, WITCH
(Women's International Terrorist
Conspiracy from Hell); The
Feminists; and Cell 16.
To learn more see the Feminist Memoir Project, by Ann Snitow, etc... Also, Shulamith Firestone's
The Dialectics of Sex
and Kate Millet's Sexual
Politics. There are also
a few entries in The Reader's Companion to U.S. Women's History edited by Mankiller, Mink,
Navarro, Smith and Steinem.