am writing a report on feminism
and am asking for your help
to better understand the feminist
movement. One question I would
like to get more info on is:
How do men benefit from feminism?
Can you send me anything to
help or refer me?
I really don't have a lot of
time and I have been searching
the web for articles on feminism,
but can you give me a "quick"
summary of what you would say
feminism is? I promise not to
plagiarize and I will footnote
anything I use. Appreciate any
help you may have to offer.
skinny on feminism is that it
is the movement toward the full
social, political, economic
equality of all people. I usually
add on to that--that every person
has access to enough information
to make informed choices about
their lives. That includes the
right for women to be able to
choose to be homemakers or to
be CEOs. For men that includes
the same right for them to be
homemakers or to be CEOS. So
men benefit from feminism--because
it opens up options for them,
too and eliminates a narrowness
from their lives--they can have
choice rather than a presumed
role. Also, it liberates men
from their masculinity and allows
them to be whole people just
as it liberates women from their
femininity. Plus, by eliminating
the pressure of having to provide--it
might extend their average life
span to be equal to women's.