am a college student that needs
to know a clear meaning of feminist
theology for a class. I need
to be able to write a clear
definition and explain what
it is. The problem is that I
have no clue to what it is.
I have looked at other web sites,
books, and asked people, but
I still have no clear meaning
of what feminist theology is
and how I can explain it clearly
enough on paper. Can you please
help me? - Tami
for your note. I think the best
way to figure out what "feminist
theology" is, is to break down
these too seemingly simple words.
For instance, feminism is the
movement toward full social,
political, and economic equality,
while theology is the study
of religions. Therefore, feminist
theology is studying religions
from a feminist perspective.
For instance, if you look at
Catholicism-how do women fare
in that religion? Presently
not too great. There have been
no female popes, high ranking
priests--basically the leadership
is all male (white male, too).
Because the leadership isn't
more diverse, women's issues
tend to stay on the margins
and worst of all, be determined
for them by others. All around
it's a not a great situation
for women. Therefore, to "feminize"
religions, you have to work
toward equality within them
or equal representation.