for your note. I'm especially
glad that you have chosen to
talk about women's rights as
a part of human rights as that
seems to be an aspect of human
rights that is missing. I have
a problem with people who choose
the term human rights activist
over feminist activist, not
because people shouldn't be
allowed to choose their own
terms to describe them, but
because the term human rights
is still not entirely inclusive
of women's rights, therefore,
we need to get mobilized and
change this. For instance, rape,
battering, genital mutilation
aren't groups for granting someone
asylum in the U.S., but they
can be granted asylum if one
is in political danger. I think
in order to be fair, we need
to include women into these
human rights' efforts.
there are organizations that
are doing this work. There is
NOW and the Center
for Women's Global Leadership
based at Rutgers University.
You should contact both of those
organizations to learn more.