think that larger question you
need to be asking is: why don't
men juggle work and family?
Until we remove this dictotomy
from being a "women's issue,"
women will continue to have
two jobs, both of which they
are undervalued in. I think
that this description also explains
"why" women do it: because men
don't. I think that a more valuable
question to be asking is: why
don't men do it? And this will
inevitably give some insight
into why women do.
When answering questions such
as these I also think it's really
important to think about our
own motivations. I want to work
outside the home, because society
has told me that is what is
valuable. But I also feeling
obligated to take care of the
home, because not doing so means
that I am not a "good woman."
I hope this helps--and I also
hope that you don't read my
frustration as being directed
at you, but at the question.