my name is Soohyeon and I live
in Korea. I'm a reporter of
my school newspaper. I'm doing
an article of the changes of
words that unneccessarily showed
gender. For example- businessmen(women)-->businessperson,
steward(ess)-->flight attendant...
and so on. I would like to let
people know that we should use
words without distinction of
gender. I'll be waiting for
your reply. Take care.
P.S. I'm sorry if my English
is broken.... It's not my mother
for your note. Thanks, too,
for doing the article that you
are doing about words and their
effect on gender perceptions.
I think this is a very important
part of feminist work--it's
subtle differences such as these
that make a big, but often unnoticed
difference. I think the best
way to understand the absurdity
of some word usage is to reverse
the gender in the word--for
instance, what if every person
who worked for the post office
was called "mailwoman," and
that every time you described
a professional nurse you said
"female nurse," the opposite
of which we do if the person
is male, or female writer, which
wrongly presumes that all writers
are male, unless described otherwise.
actually learned this reversal
tactic from Gloria Steinem,
who actually wrote an article
"Words and Change", which can
be found in her book Outrageous
Acts and Everyday Rebellions.
The Australian writer Dale Spendor,
is also an expert on this topic.
You should reference her work
via Amazon.com
or maybe your library. I hope
that helps with your article.
Good luck.
P.S. By the way, your English
is great!!!