for your note to FEMINIST.COM
and for your inspiration.
Your project sounds great,
I only wish it were "more
than a project." I think that
the most important thing to
keep in mind when you design
your school is that feminism
is a "way of life" and its
values are basic human rights.
For instance, you shouldn't
concentrate on creating "separate"
feminist groups, but make
sure that every group is feminist.
And the same goes for classes...there
shouldn't be "Women's History"
or "African-American History"
as these should be a part
of "History."
I think it is important that
all women -- especially young
women -- have a space to share
experiences, ideas, opinions.
Through these exchanges we learn
that we are not alone; that
we shouldn't be ashamed/embarrassed/guilty
of something; and that we do
know more than we think we do.
Often times, women wait until
they experience date rape or
job discrimination to realize
that women are in fact not treated
equally. Hopefully, this exchanging
can get women to this place
without having to first experience
the inequities of it all. What
I am trying to say, is make
sure that this type of space
is encouraged at your school.
Also, women have to know that
feminism is about equality --
for both men and women. Women
need to know that it not only
expands their opportunities,
but men's, too. It is about
creating better choices for
women -- and making sure that
these are informed choices.
Your school can provide ways
to this -- i.e. examples of
what women can do, as well as
what men should do -- parenting
isn't a women's job. Through
working closely with the faculty,
your school can also instill
in its students the benefits
of mentoring and therefore,
women helping women.
Having gone to an all women's
college myself, I also think
that by the nature of it being
"all women" -- most women will
develop a dedication toward
feminist activism. I hope this
helps--if it doesn't let me
know and perhaps I can provide
more information. Good luck.