I am currently finishing my
degree in Applied Social Science
in Hull. For my final essay
I have chosen to discuss "Feminism"
This is the question: "'What
women signify has been taken
for granted too long... We have
to instead break from the list
of meanings and expand the possibilities
of what it is to be a woman.'
(J. Butler in A.McRobbie 1994:70)
Discuss this comment using contemporary
feminist approaches." Could
you please put me in the right
direction, and tell me what
I should be looking for, I have
an idea, but I would be very
grateful if you could help me
in any way. Thank you - Aiveen
for thinking of us for help
with your project. I certainly
have an opinion/interpretation
about the quote, which I'm happy
to share. I call this phenomenon
"buying our own bad press."
Essentially anything that is
"female" is less valued in society.
For instance, the arts section
of the newspaper is less important
than the business section; crying
is weak, while yelling is making
your point; raising kids isn't
as valued as raising chickens
(at least not economically);
girls basketball just isn't
as exciting as boys basketball.
Basically things that are female
have been undervalued - and
because this has happened for
so long, we believe this to
be the case rather than thinking
about what we really believe
to be true.
this quote hints at is getting
over this hump and instead not
only celebrating females as
being equal to males, but really
believing it. Traditionally,
the response to this reality
has been to change ourselves
to follow a more masculine pattern
- i.e. climb the corporate ladder;
hold back emotion; etc. However,
what we should have been doing
is just believing enough in
ourselves and our qualities
(be they nature or nurture)
enough so that they are our
choices. I do think this is
the direction we are headed
- making women's things as valuable
as men's things - and thereby,
a good enough choice for even
men to want to choose "women's"