am in search of any articles
by Andrea Dworkin. I think that
is her last name, however, the
woman I received the tip from
was not quite clear in her pronunciation.
I am a student at Augustana
College in Rock Island, IL.
Her name was brought up in a
class lecture, and I am interested
to know more about her ideas.
If someone could at least respond
with the correct spelling of
her last name, I would greatly
appreciate it. Thank you for
your time.
am familiar with Andrea Dworkin
and her work. She has written
many articles and a few books.
Any library search should bring
these up. I'm a personal fan
of her book--Right Wing Woman.
There is also Letters From
A War Zone (Lawrence Hill
Books), Pornography: Men
Possessing Women (Plume)
and Women Hating: A Radical Look At Sexuality (NAL-Dutton).
(You can check to see if the
Bookstore has them.) She
also has a new book coming out
next month, but I don't know
the title. I have a lengthly
profile of her that was published
in the Contemporary Authors
Autobiography Series, Volume
21. I would be happy to
send you the profile if you
send me your address. Also you
might want to check out the
Andrea Dworkin Web Site
for more about her books and
I hope the above is helpful---good
luck--and I hope you get as
much from Andrea's work as I