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My name is Ursula. I am a fifteen-year-old high school sophomore and I would like to know what I can do as a female minor to help the feminist movement. I would also like to add that I am the only female member of our high school math league team, a high school debator, a member of our mock trial team, a member of our marine biology club and a member of my high school's OM team. My PSAT scores put me in the top 8% of those that took the test this year and my class rank puts me in the top 6%. [I also like to brag. Can you tell?:)] I would like also to know about any women's organizations in the central Wisconsin area. Thank you.

Thank you for your note to FEMINIST.COM and I want to assure you that you are already doing a lot for the feminist movement. Primarily, because you are clearly setting an example for other women to follow and paving the way for others. You are also taking the time to point out some of life's inconsistencies.

In terms of doing more...it is best to get involved at a community level. I'm not sure what needs to be done in your community but here are some thoughts: you could be a big sister or a tutor to a younger girl who doesn't have access to some of the things that you may have access to. This could mean pure knowledge or it could mean bringing her along to your next sports event or party with friends. On a larger scale you could find out what issues are about to come before your local school board and find ways to make these issues--and those representatives--more gender-friendly. You could also volunteer at a local women's shelter or organize a fundraiser--like a car wash--to help the local shelter raise necessary money.

These are only suggestions. And as I said, I think that you are doing a lot, but as you can imagine, there is always more to be done. Good luck and thank you.

P.S. See information here at FEMINIST.COM about Third Wave.


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