My name is Wendy and I have
been checking in with your site
periodically for the past few
months and.... I love it! I
took many Women's Studies classes
in college, but since I've graduated,
I've felt a little detached
from others who have the same
feminist perspectives as myself.
I was wondering if there is
any type of listing or information
available to me about women's
groups in my area. I live in
Columbus, OH. Any information
you could give me would be highly
appreciated. Thank you and keep
up the good work! Wendy
for your note to FEMINIST.COM
and for your "thanks". For starters,
I would contact the National
Organization for Women.
(The National Office: 1000 16th
Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036).
They have state and local chapters
across the country, so perhaps
even one in Columbus, Ohio.
There is also the Third
Wave. Although Third
Wave doesn't have a chapter
in Columbus, perhaps we can
put you in touch with some members
in your area. Also, the National
Center for Research on Women
has a national directory of
Women's organizations; the edition
I have is very out-of-date,
but please contact them about
any current organizations in
your area. (47-49 East 69th
Street, New York, NY 10021).
Good luck.