am currently evaluating the
concept of "cyberfeminism" and
was interested to read your
article on the issue. I would
like to ask, if I may, what
you think of the aspect of society
being split in terms of organic/virtual
realities. If this is so, do
you agree with the majority
that through the simple process
of logging on, the gender boundaries
that have become so firm in
our society will dissipate?
Do you agree with Donna Haraway
that the organic body is not
actually the locus of such body
I would be very interested in
hearing (if you have the time)
your thoughts on the possible
outcomes that have been opened
up by cyberfeminism. Is this
the new wave of feminism that
we've been waiting for, or is
it likely to become just another
sub-group of the 'feminism'
rubric, like "radical feminism",
"liberal feminism", etc.? I
look forward to hearing your
views, thank you.
for your note. I haven't read
the article that you refer to,
so I want to excuse myself from
the beginning for making any
wrong assumptions. I did however
want to respond--offering my
"thoughts" about your questions.
To begin...I don't think that
the "gender lines" have disappeared
on the Internet. For instance,
when I first had to choose an
online "name" I thought about
"Jezebel" and then I thought
about the comments that I would
get. You're right that they
could be directed to whomever--man
or women--uses that name as
an identifyer. However, the
comments likely to result would
likely be "gender" driven. So
the anonymity doesn't yet transcend
real life stereotypes.
As for whether the "organic
body is not actually the locus
of such body politics?" For
starters, I'm not exactly sure
what this means. But taking
a stab at it, I agree that our
organic bodies--i.e. the personalities/qualities
we are born with--are not limited
to gender roles. However, when
the "politics" or as I refer
to it--the "socialization" takes
over, we do become examples
of "gender roles." I believe
that we have examples of people
transcending those roles, therefore
I believe that we are all capable
of remaining true to "genderless"
traits---i.e. they will instead
be traits based on the individual,
not the group.
As for your third point......"is
this the new feminism" ... I'd
be cautious about saying that,
because we are seeing some of
the same gender based limitations
existing in cyberspace that
exist in real life. If anything,
I think that "cyberfeminism"
could be where "feminism" was
30 years ago. However, it has
the advantage of being able
to catch up a lot quicker. In
cyberspace, we are naming injustices
like "cyberrape" and "cyberporn."
We are being "stalked" on-line.
We don't have many "feminist
friendly" outlets, because many
people have bought into the
notion that only "30% of the
Internet users are female" therefore,
only--at a maximum--30% of the
resources should be for women.
Family "accounts" are still
primarily registered in the
"father's name" regardless of
who the users are. In my experience
with "advice columns" on-line,
I have experienced more direct
women-hating than I have ever
experienced "off-line." As for
it being another "sub-group"--which
are usually created from "outside"
the movement not "within"--I
don't know. It--cyberfeministm--is
already a term, however, I think
it's more of a medium than a
political subcategory. I hope
these answers are helpful. Good
luck with your evaluation.