Hi, i was looking through your
website today and I was wondering
if you might be able to point
me in the direction of some
snail mail feminist publications..
newsletters or things like that.
Any help you could give me would
be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
for your note and for your interest
in feminist publications.
Here are some recommendations:
- Ms.
Magazine 135 West 50th
Street, 16th Floor, NYC, NY
10020; (212) 445-6100) for
more information).
Magazine, [no longer in
publication] which is published
by New Moon Publications.
(You can find them at www.chickclick.com--there
you will also find on and
off-line magazines and zines--Moxie,
Bust, etc...All are
There is the Women's Review
of Books and Sojourner
(based in Boston)--both are
great. There is Lilith,
which is for Jewish women,
but often has a feminist slant.
- Also,
you should look at Feminist.com
under the "Publications"
section of Women
Owned Businesses." Also,
most of the groups listed
at Feminist.com or
linked to Feminist.com
have their own newsletters,
so you could contact those
that pique your interest for
more information.
Happy Reading.