currently working on a term
paper relating how the exclusion
of women from combat correlates
to their inability to achieve
high ranking positions in national
security, specifically in the
State Department. I plan on
using three feminist perspectives
- liberal, radical, and post-modern
- to help and try to reason
why this may be, and possible
solutions to this problem. I
was curious if you knew of any
good resources regarding this
issue. Thanks, Jen
for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
The best person I have heard/read
speak out on women in combat
(which sounds like the beginning
piece of your paper) is Cynthia
Enloe, who is a professor of
government at Clark University.
(This is located somewhere in
MA, so hopefully you can reach
her c/o the University.) She
has written a few articles on
this topic for Ms.
Magazine (which you can
probably access through a news
search.) Also, I suggest that
you contact the State Department
directly--specifically their
rights division, which Theresa
Loar is the senior coordinator
of. I was actually there yesterday
for a presentation and know
that women's issues and women
in leadership are a clear priority
for them.