find "women who have made accomplishments
in a man's place -- you can
take two tracks -- one you can
look in your own community at
"women who made a difference."
For instance, in Portland, there
is the former Congresswoman
Elizabeth Furse. There is also
the Portland Contemporary Arts
Group--and the dynamic young
women who started it.
The other track is to go broader.
For instance, Jane Magazine
recently did a story on the
women who were trained with
John Glenn--but didn't get the
recognition or respect he did.
Then there was Sally Ride, who
did get to space. There are
other women such as Linda Wachner
who heads up Warnaco, and Ellen
Fudder who is the president
of the Museum of Natural History
in New York. (She is the first
woman to head a major museum.)
In a similar vein there is Nannerl
O. Keohane. She used to be the
president of Wellesley College
and is now the President of
Duke. (The first woman to head
a major college--that was not
an all women's college.)