for your note to
Some of the problems that feminists
are fighting for are:
1.) Equal pay for work of
equal value. For instance,
why is it that a profession
such as child care is a "lower-wage"
job when compared to an occupation
such as "parking lot attendant".
The former is primarily a female
workforce and the latter male.
2.) Reproductive Freedom.
Women do have some reproductive
freedom, but not those who live
in rurual communities, who are
anything less than middle-class
and who are young and, therefore,
often made to feel ashamed of
their choices.
3.) A National system of
health care and child care
-- both of which women (and
everyone) will benefit from.
4.) Job discrimination
-- see the Work/Career
section here at Ask Amy
for examples of how rampant
that is.
For other ideas, think of your
own life. What have you been
denied or your mother? In school
do you have equal access to
sports; do you learn about your
history as a woman in your classes?
I hope this helps - and I hope
this helps to show your classmates
that feminism is something that
they should know about. It is
only meant to better your life.