I have this problem and I want to know
if you guys can refer me to someone that can
help. Just last week my sister, Paula, got
tired of her husbands verbal and physical abuse.
She left the house with my nephew, Joseph who
is only 6 months old. Now her husband is accusing
my sister of being involved in violent gang
activity, domestic violence, abuse against her
child and is saying that our family is well known
for drug dealing.
Because of all these lies he
has custody of the child now. We have had two
court hearings for custody of my nephew and
no matter what we do he still has custody! We
have tried everything in our power, we don't
have a lot of money and we don't know what to
do anymore. can you help?
Dear Stephanie,
Sadly your sisters experience
is not unique. As documented in Phyllis Chesler's
groundbreaking book, Mothers on Trial, as well
as by many others since, judges too often side
with the fathers who ask for custody. In fact,
according to Chesler's research when fathers
ask for custody, they receive it 80% of the
time, it's just that they don't ask that often.
You might reference Divorced from Justice,
a group that networks those in similar situations
and at times connects individuals with attorneys.
Also, judges operate under an assumption
of what is best for the child, so your sister
should work on getting documentation under
this premise.
I hope that helps and good luck to her.
I know from working with others in a similar
situation, it can be crazy -- especially
when you know that you are right.
Take care,
- Amy