a 14 year old gamer girl, and I'm very proud of
that. Ever since I got my Nintendo as a little
girl, I've been trying to prove that fact that
video games aren't just a boy thing. I hadn't
thought much of it for a while, but then I recently
saw a program on TV that opened my eyes at how
girls are portrayed in most games. Girls are either
helpless and need men to rescue them, or they
are running around half naked. Try as I might
I can't accept this. I've talked to all my friends,
and they said they all feel the same way, but
it's pointless to try and change it. I've done
research for school projects on this subject,
and the more I look the more I hate what I see.
Dead or Alive Volleyball, you control
a ton of beautiful, thin women in thongs and make
them jump up high and...I think you get the picture.
My little sister came in my room crying to me
when she was playing Dead or Alive 1
saying the girl did a high kick and you could
see up her skirt, and there was nothing underneath
of it. I looked at a copy of BMX XXX
and the back wrote "Create your own hard
bodied hunnies and make them as jiggly as you
want." That's word for word.
I just want to know, is it right for me to be
this frustrated? It's really making me, well,
hate men. And I know there are thin beautiful
women out there and there's nothing wrong with
that, I'm just sick of the image of that is all
we are. I'm just so angry that all this has been
going on and nobody had put a stop to it. Can
you please tell me if there's any hope in the
ending of this sexual stereotype women are getting
in games? Or can you tell me if there are any
sites out there or people with a similar view
who I can refer to?
I think that your anger and frustration is entirely
justified. Plus, I know that many people feel
exactly like you do. And, as you said, it's not
that one image that is wrong, it's just that there
is no range of images, whereas there is a range
of women. The problem with video games is that
when people have attempted to create a response
to these videogames -- they so by coloring them
pink or making them "fun." When in reality
what attracts most girls to video games is the
action -- and coloring it pink tends to take away
from the real intention of the games. I use to
love Pacman and then they create Ms. Pacman as
"girls" alternative, but I still loved
Pacman -- not Ms.Pacman -- though
those were better, since they weren't real figures
they couldn't be as
sexist in their portrayal.
don't think that "men" are necessarily
the problem or rather individual men are the problem,
not men as a whole. But women's magazines -- which
are created by women -- actually fall into the
same trap -- selling sex -- so it's not just a
man's problem, sadly. I think that an important
thing to is to let the video game creator know
that you are equally one of their customers and
you don't appreciate their tactics. I think that
they can only respect you for this -- and I'm
certain that they will value your feedback as
representative of others. They might do anything
to change their ways, but at least they will know
that their marketing isn't appealing to all --
and thus hopefully change. I would encourage you
to get your sister and others who share your opinon
to write, too. Also, check out JC Herz, who
is also a gamer girl and has written on this topic.
— Amy