wonder if you could help me
out. As a senior at Loyola High
School in Los Angeles, I am
currently writing a feature
article for my school magazine
about the possibility of my
school going coed. I am of the
opinion that the only way to
achieve true equality of the
sexes is through equal educational
opportunities from an early
I would love to hear your comments
on single-sex schools and how
they socially affect young men
in a negative way. Among my
classmates, I see an unfortunately
large amount of disrespect of
young women, and I firmly believe
that going coed would solve
many of these problems. What
do you think? Thank you for
your input. Sincerely, Andrew
you probably know, integration
of single sex schools has gotten
a lot of attention this past
year with the integration of
the federally funded VMI and
the Citadel. The argument used
to let women apply to these
institutions, was that the training
one receives at these institutions
is not available at other places.
This doesn't mean that the application
or general requirements are
changed in anyway - i.e. women
are treated no differently than
I attended a co-ed high-school,
which had three years previously
been all male. Later, I attended
an all women's college. Not
until the latter experience
did I realize the value of women's
colleges. Unfortunately, women
and girls are not treated equally
within most co-educational situations.
Whether it is on a financial
level - boy's/men's sports receive
far more than girls/women's
sports; an academic level -
boys are still the majority
in advanced math and science
classes; a political level -
boys are still more likely to
hold leadership positions -
or on a personal level - meaning
that some teachers refuse to
believe that boys and girls
are capable of the same standard
of work and/or the internalized
oppression that women/girls
feel. I remember being the only
girl in an advanced math class
in high school. Everyday I had
to endure endless comments about
my clothes, my figure, etc...
Something that no male was -
or should have been - exposed
to. Once I was at an all women's
college, I realized what I had
been missing out on - being
listened to equally, being counted
equally and being valued equally.
This all women's experience
allowed me to gain respect for
Essentially, what I am saying
is that I am firm believer in
all women's schools. However,
I am also a firm believing in
changing the system, so I want
to work toward a future when
single sex education isn't necessary
because there will be equality
within all educational institutions.
The problem is that I don't
see all male institutions as
training grounds for this equality,
therefore, I think that while
women are better off spending
a portion of their life in single-sex
education, men are better off
spending it in co-ed institutions.
I hope this helps.