have a first grader who is very
bright, sensitive, and in most
ways, ahead of other girls her
age. Her teacher notified us
that she has been overly affectionate
toward the young boys in her
class. How can I encourage her
toward a healthy respect for
the opposite sex, yet leave
open her other options? Should
I defer the matter to the timelines
established by the schools for
discussing sexual matters (sex
ed classes, or whatever they
are called now), or should I
appeal to foundations of health
and even morality?...
looking forward to whatever
advice you can provide. We realize
these are formative years, and
we don't want to let them slip
by without doing the best thing.
- Dr. "Mike"
I don't have an answer for you.
I always think that instinct
is the best response, but sometimes
that gets blurred.
Based on my own experiences
and those of many people that
I know - sex-education in the
schools in its current form
- is not a solution. Sometimes
it's more of a hindrance, since
it is usually taught by someone
old enough to be your grandparent
and with a language that is
no longer applicable or understandable,
and also because learning it
in a co-ed environment with
your peers makes you more uncomfortable
than comfortable. However, sex-education
in a 'new/hip' version, should
be investigated and practiced,
because it is clear that we
all desperately need to know
about sex and the potential
consequences - so we can protect
ourselves; and also so we can
understand it and enjoy it.
Also, shared experiences and
light conversations are better
than being preached at, so maybe
it is something to talk about
it a less rigid environment.
In some instances when girls/women
are that forward, it is the
result of sexual advances that
they themselves have experienced.
There are many books about -
most notably those by Judith
Herman. This is something you
may wish to ask her about. Sorry
that I couldn't help and I wish
you and your daughter luck.