I am a junior at Arizona State
University and I am writing
a speech that analyzes the message
that peeping tom innerwear sends
to young girls. I am wondering
if you can point me in the direction
of a method of feminist analysis
that would help me explain how
symbols can be used to sell
products to young girls. I will
try to make this clear for you...
I want to explain how the label
of these products (underwear,
bras, etc) teaches girls to
sexualize themselves in a negative
way. How it pushes an anti-feminist
view on them which is disguised
as a feminist view. How they
can be sexy only if they are
boy crazy. So again to try to
make this clear I need articles,
studies etc.. that have looked
at this issue and can explain
how this happens. I would greatly
appreciate any help you can
give me.
so much for your web page! I
have added it to my favorites
and I plan to become involved
as soon as I am settled in at
my new school. Please keep in
touch as I probably will have
more questions for you. Thanks
again, Kelly
for your note to FEMINIST.COM--and
sorry to taking so long to respond.
I hope by now, you are settled
into school. The easy answer
to your question is that you
are certainly on to something......companies
certainly market girl power
to girls in only the weakest
and most sexualized form. Mostly
this comes because as long as
you keep girls "sexualized"
it keeps them in their feminine
role. And, as long as you keep
them girls (i.e. baby doll dresses,
little barettes, etc...) then
you can keep them "weak." So
you are right that it is likely
to be connected to some anti-woman
agenda. And certainly anti-any
woman in control of her own
sexuality. While, it's fine
to choose these things, the
problem is when these are the
only things to choose from.
In some way, this all relates
to "girlie feminism," which
is promoted through the zine
which believes that "girl things
are good" and therefore we need
to reclaim them and hold onto
them. However, if this is your
only choice....
the harder answer to your question
is actual sources. Last year,
Ann Powers wrote an article
for Spin Magazine on a related
topic. And there is more serious
girl research done by places
such as the National Council
for Research on Women, which
has a very comprehensive resource
on the topic of girls, and the
Association of University Women
and the Wellesley Center for
Research on Women. I hope that
helps--and I hope you keep visiting
FEMINIST.COM. Good luck.