have read through all of the
questions and answers in the
"Girls/Children" category and
have found nothing on Step-mothers.
I am also taking a feminist
theory course at the University
of Winniepg and have found no
information on the subject of
Step-moms. I was just wondering
what the majority of feminists
think of the idea of another
woman raising their child(ren).
There is a lot of theory and
discussion about the role of
mothers and fathers, but being
a custodial step-mom myself
I find I am out in the cold
about where my actual place
is in our home. Any resources
you can direct me to would be
helpful. Thanks, Bobbi
for your note. The reason that
there is nothing on "step-mothers"
under the "Girls/Children" category--is
because I have never been asked
about this subject. As you may
not know, Ask Amy is a site
driven by it's visitors, so
now that you asked.....I don't
think you have found anything
such as "Feminists' view on
step-moms"--because I don't
think that such a thing exists.
For starters feminism isn't
a monolith, so it would be hard
to come to some conclusion.
However, if, as a feminist,
I were to make a statement about
"feminists' view on step-mothers,"
I would guess that feminism
supports parenthood in all of
its guises - single-parenting,
adoption, two parents raising
their biological child--you
name it. Because feminism is
essentially about "choice" and
about having enough information
to be able to make informed
choices about our lives, being
able to choose and embrace all
different forms of parenting
would be included in that. Also,
I think that children's interests
are often at the top of feminists'
radars. Again, this could mean
being raised by a step-mother
or it could mean being an emancipated