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IHello? Is this Amy? I hope so. I was wondering if you knew of any serious feminist magazines or websites geared toward teens? I read Ms. and visit a few websites, but it's all adult stuff. Sometimes it gets a little bit boring, or a little bit over my head. I've been to Riot Grrrl's website, but it seemed more Spice Girl-ish and less feminist-ish. Please respond. You did last time I wrote! -Sarit

Thanks for your note to FEMINIST.COM - and I hope all is well with you. My suggestions of "serious feminist magazines and websites geared toward teens" are:

Also, there are a few other magazines--such as New Moon, Teen Voices and Blue Jean--sometimes these are a little corny, but overall the content is serious. Same goes for the website smartgirl.com. Also, there is a great website for teens, which is put out by Reuters. It is entirely teen driven--and reports on news stories. Although I can't remember the address. If nothing works out with what is mentioned above, let me know and I'll find this one. I hope this helps - Enjoy (I hope)--but if not, write back and I'll think of others.



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