am a Senior GirlScout and am
looking for ideas for my gold
award. I am deeply commited
to both GirlScouts and women's
issues; I feel that GirlScouts
has the capability to become
the optimum training for the
next generation's female leaders.
However, GirlScouts still retains
the image of sewing, singing,
and smiling little girls --
not to mention the cookies.
My ideal gold award would be
to completely redue the GirlScouts
advertising campaign, and the
goals of the organization. While
I know that the latter is not
possible, I feel half the battle
of empowering women and girls
is the public's attitude. I
am seeking ideas and possible
direction on who I should talk
to to complete my, well, very
ambitious project. Any help
is very welcome! Thank you,
the Girl Scouts is going to
be quite a task, but Barbie
survived her make-overs, perhaps
the Girl Scouts can learn from
her example. (I'm mostly referring
to Barbie's most recent ad campaign,
which featured girls of all
races and ethnicities in photos
being free with the motto: "Be
Anything." Implying that all
types of girls play with Barbie--be
who you are and play with Barbie.
It seems like the Girl Scouts
needs a similiar make-over--all
types of girls are Girl Scouts
and it needs to own up to that.
constantly amazed at how many
women were once Girl Scouts,
including myself--though I was
really only a Girl Scout for
a short-time, but a very dedicated
Brownie. Even more amazing is
what these one-time Girl Scouts
grow up to be---Anything and
Perhaps there is a way to remake
the image by revisiting the
reality: Even though Girl Scouts
may try to mold girls at a certain
age to be a certain type of
person, the reality is that
these one time Girl Scouts grow
up to be their own person. What
the Girl Scouts instill in them
enough self-esteem to be able
to do that. Therefore, I think
that a great way to start an
image make-over is to look at
women who used to be Girl Scouts--try
people like Uma Thurman, Marlo
Thomas, etc.....Also, one great
Girl Scout story I recently
heard was about a new badge
with was for those girls who
fought domestic violence. It
came out of a troop in Pennsylvania
or West Virginia or something
like that, but the depressing
news is that I later heard that
this badge was revoked or that
it never got off the ground.
But more ideas like this--i.e.
turning girls into young activists
rather than young homemakers.
For example, I know of some
non-Girl Scout girls who have
collected cellular phones in
their communities and then donated
them to local battered women's
shelters so women could be protected.
(The phones were reissued for
free.) I also know of lots of
girls who are avid recyclers
and most recently I know of
many girls who are troubled
by what is happening to women
and girls in Afghanistan and,
therefore, want to change it.
These are only a few indications
that girls want to be activists
and make a difference rather
than make a pie. Can you use
that to fuel some changes?
how about partnering with Girls,
Inc, or some other group
that is a little less steeped
in such a long history.
Now, I feel like I am rambling.
Did any of that help? I hope
so, but please feel free to
write back again.