how do I start. I am not sure
if you can help in any way or
not because I don't think anybody
can. I am so depressed, all
I want to do is cry. My friends
ditch me a lot and it really
hurts me. My family never gets
along and my brother, who is
2 yrs. older than me, is some
mean to me it is incredible.
He is constantly yelling at
me. I love my friends and all
but I feel like they don't like
me at all and I don't know what
I do that is so wrong to them
to make them not like me. Most
of my friends are one year older
than me. So do they think they
are better then me? I just don't
know what to do anymore. I am
worthless and I know it. Nobody
likes me. Everyday I put on
a fake smile. When will I be
able to put on a REAL smile?
I need help really bad. I can't
tell my parents or anyone else,
I wouldn't feel comfortable
doing that. Why am I going through
this? Is there a reason? Why
am I the only one? I give up.
Why try if I know I won't succeed?
I feel like I am really fat
too. Why do I have to go through
this? Can't people see I need
I wish my brother would be nice
to me. I can't remember the
last time he was nice to me.
He always yells at me no matter
what I say or do. I just want
to be locked in a room by myself.
I want to have good friends.
I want to have a normal life.
I want a true family. I want
to smile for real. I want help.
I want to lose weight. I want
way too many things. I am stupid
and ugly and fat and I don't
deserve to live any more. Does
anybody understand me? I can
only wish that somebody would
understand me. I wish death
upon myself. - Kasey, 15 yr.
old female.
for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
Reading your note made me so
sad and it also brought me back
to my own childhood. Though
I never wished death upon myself,
I constantly had feelings of
inadequacies, and I always felt
so lucky that other people wanted
to be my friend, though I never
understood why. And, I also
thought that I had a weird/unusual
family (I have a single mother
and I don't know my father and
we lived with my grandfather)--and
that everyone judged me badly
because of this. In fact, everyone
has their own weird family.
In other words, I felt like
I was the odd one and the lucky
one and everyone else was just
normal and great.
later in life (I'm now 29),
I realized that those feelings
weren't unique to me. In fact,
many people harbored those same
feelings. I am not trying to
underestimate your feelings
and/or devalue your experiences--but
I think life is funny, weird,
ironic, in the way that it makes
us think that we are all alone
and our experience is so unique
when in fact, each life is a
unique one and each person struggles
with their own issues. The one
consistency is that we keep
them inside and rarely expose
them until later in life. I
say this all as a way of trying
to comfort you by showing you
that I'm sure other friends
might think that you don't like
them or your brother might think
that you are mean to him in
other ways. It's weird how ideas
just exacerbate themselves in
our heads.
It's interesting because I work
with alot of organizations that
work with girls--and each consistently
talks about how troubling the
time between 9 and 15 is for
girls. This is older women talking--and
when I talk to younger women,
women my age, we all talk about
how hard our later teen years--each
feeling awkward and alone, and
alienated from life. I don't
know if there is a way to engage
your friends about this--maybe
not head on, but maybe your
school could implement a "conversation"
every Tuesday afternoon--or
something like that--the purpose
being everyone to check in about
something in their life. We
did this in my high school and
it worked--but I went to boarding
school, so people came because
they were trying to get out
of study hall, but usually left
realizing that they needed it
for other reasons. What it exposed,
what that while some people
struggled with their looks--even
though everyone thought they
were pretty, others struggled
with their intelligence--even
though everyone thought that
they were the smartest. Life
plays tricks on us in that way,
too--the thing we think we are
the most deficient in, turns
out to be what other people
perceive as our strength.
I don't know if I have helped
at all. I hope so. And I want
you to promise me that if I
didn't help, you'll give me
another chance. Write back whenever
you need to--and mostly take
care of yourself