My name is Samantha N. Meade
and I'm 13 yrs. old. Hearing
milions of cruel things that
happen to women everyday, including
on what Afghanistan is doing
to their own women, AIDS, teen
pregnacies, rape, and others,
I wanted to take apart in "Girl
Power". No, I'm not a Spice
Girl fan, to tell you the truth
I really don't like Spice girls
even though they give (basically)
the right idea of equalness.
I really wanted to take a part
in such important things. Seeing
that there's not alot to do
since I'm 13 and you may be
required to be 18 or older in
such activies, I made my own
team of people under 18. At
the beginning of August, I found
out that a lot of women/girls
cared about women's rights around
the world. Basically half of
the women/girls at my school
are on the team, plus a couple
of teachers (including my gym-teacher
and pricipal). We all get together
every month or so and talk about
ways to stay and change things
to give EVERYONE an equal chance.
I would really like to know
if you would have any ideas
to take a part in such activities.
Also I'm making a site as we
speak and am asking permision
if I could link your page to
mine? Thanks - Samantha
what a great and inspiring note
to find waiting for me at Feminist.com.
It actually has been waiting
for me for over a week--so I
apologize for not writing sooner.
I am in the midst of co-writing
a book--and was busily trying
to finish the last chapter,
which is appropriately entitled
"What is Activism." I say "appropriately"
because what you are doing is
a perfect example of that--one
of the very points we make in
this chapter is that activism
begins when you get so angry
that you have to do something
about it. Another point we make
is that most social justice
movements begin as youth movements.
So, who knows what you may be
Not only does your work relate to my work on this book, but
it also relates to my work co-founding
the Third
Wave Foundation, which is
a national organization for
young feminist activists between
the ages of 15 and 30. It's
made up of young women just
like you and I--those who want
to bring people together to
make a difference. One of the things that Third
Wave does in New York City,
is that we host monthly membership
meetings that cover a range
of topics. For instance--body
image, sluts, human rights abuses
(like those happening in Afghanistan),
etc... Since October is domestic
violence month and breast cancer
awareness month, we try to keep
our members up-to-date on these
issues. So we really don't limit
ourselves to certain issues,
but really any issue that our
members might be burning to
learn more abot. If you like,
I'd be happy to mail you information
on Third
Wave, including our "how
to kits" as well as post cards
from our past members meetings,
just to give you some ideas.
If you want me to, just send
me your mailing address. Regardless,
Feminist.com would be
happy to have you link to us--and
let us know how we can link
to you.
Good luck -- and thanks for
your inspiring example.