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I am a youth social worker in Richmond, Virginia. I am interested in starting a "girl power" group for inner city girls aged 11-17. Any resources or suggestions would be appreciated. I am also working to educate young men on issues such as rape, sexism, gender roles, etc. - so any information on that would be helpful as well. Thank you! - Jennifer

Thanks for work toward empowering the girls of Richmond, VA. Closest to my heart is the Third Wave Foundation, a national organization for young feminist activists between the ages of 15 and 30 that has a national membership base of 5,000 with chapters across the country. However, I think that our target age is a bit old for your target age.

My next thought - and much more appropriate - is for you to join forces with a group like Girls, Inc. - they are a national organization with affiliates in several cities. Each affiliate site varies in its mission slightly - with girls empowerment, leadership as the goal for all. I think that it's best to join forces with existing groups as long as you can shape it as you see fit. By linking up with already established groups, you have access to an existing network, including help with fundraising, structure, staffing, curriculum development, etc. If you want to start your own group from scratch I don't want to dissuade you from that. I actually co-founded Third Wave and so I know the steps that are involved - the joys and the frustrations. If you choose this route, I would be happy to share my journey.

As for boys and men - I think this is exactly where the feminist movement needs to be directing its energy. We have protected girls and helped them create boundaries, and now we have to make boys accountable for their own lives. There are great projects that are beginning to do this work: the Oakland Men's Project in Oakland, CA and the Fatherhood Project in St. Paul, Minnesota. They are great models for this work. Also, check out our Pro-Feminist Men's Groups section.

I hope that helps or at least addresses the first layer of your questions. You seem to be about to undertake a lot - most of which will be rewarded and what isn't will be made up for by what is. Good luck and let me know how else I can help.



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