Your note actually gave me inspiration
to finish an article that I am many months overdue
I was asked to write a piece about men's
sexual health, based on a suggestion that I once
made that Planned Parenthood should sponsor "Take
Your Boyfriend to the Clinic Night" so that
men could begin to get educated about their sexual
health the way that women do and one step in
the direction of taking responsibility. It is
certainly partly an individual male thing, but
it is also a societal expectation -- we don't
expect men to go to the doctors once a year like
women and we don't even have adequate tests to
test men and we indirectly put the pressure on
women to be informed by 1.) linking it to our
reproductive health and capacity and potential
and 2.) only studying women the percentage of
women who are infected or who are preventing,
It certainly is an unfair responsibility
and I echo your thoughts that men need to take
more responsibility. I don't think that it could
be put into law -- mostly because most men don't
even know that they have a STI, so we can' hold
them responsible for that, but we can back up
one step and require that they get better informed.
There have been some laws related to AIDS, but
those have been few and yet very effective. I
hope that helps and at a minimum perhaps you
can start by starting a "take your boyfriend
to the clinic night" in your area. Good
luck -- and stay healthy.
-- Amy