I am an 18 yr old College student, and I am taking
a Women's Studies
class. I have an assignment, called 'Manifesta' in which I'm supposed to
state my overall opinion concerning feminist issues such as rape, birth
control, FGM, etc. I decided to take a different approach and use Ani Difranco's
song "Not a Pretty Girl" because
it really speaks to me.. I'm not sure If you've
heard the song, but here's a link for the lyrics: http://www.danah.org/Ani/NotAPrettyGirl/NotAPrettyGirl.html.
really feel that ever since I was young I felt the need to look the most
beautiful and stuff like that.. and now I realize
how damaging that is. I want to
write about the dangers of young girls and the 'pretty girl' syndrome. Is
there any good articles or books that you know
of that might help me?
Emilee -
I am very flattered by your assignment, though
I'm not sure if it has a direct relationship
to my book or not.
On your idea, which I think is good, there are
a few things I can think of:1.) I just saw a
short film created by Scenarious USA on body
image -- it was done by a girl for girls -- www.scenariosusa.org -- also Mean
Girls has elements of this and I
absolutely love the film Lovely and Amazing --
it's all about this.2.) Naomi Wolf's book --
The Beauty Myth -- is the most popular on this
topic, also Ophira Edut's edited collection Body
Outlaws .
There are also tons of emails
at Ask Amy - here's
one that I just received
that I would share -- it's more about weight
than "pretty" - but same ideas.
Good luck and I hope these suggestions help.