I am a freshman at UNC-Charlotte and am currently
working a project in my health class concerning
cosmetic surgery. I will be arguing/debating
both for and against cosmetic surgery.
We are required to obtain as many references
and opinions about this issue as possible.
I was hoping you could help me by sharing where
your feminist group stands on the issue of
cosmetic surgery, and a few reasons why you
feel that way. Anything and everything that
you can provide is greatly appreciated and
will be used to the best of my ability in this
Thank you in advance,
Brittany --
Feminist.com doesn't really
have an official opinion on plastic surgery.
In general, it's not something that we could
definitely oppose -- it might be exploited and
unnecessary for some people, but that doesn't
mean that's a good enough justification to deny
it to others.
It's also a necessity to some who
feminists would unequivocally support -- for
instance, transgendered individuals and breast
cancer survivors. Feminists could hope to educate
people about how to choose it responsible.
hope that helps ,