Dear Amy,
I am new to Orlando, Florida, and am trying to find a pro-choice OB/GYN. I called the Planned Parenthood here, and they gave me the name of a practice that was not pro-choice. I am not pregnant and am looking for a long-term health provider, but I feel strongly about this issue and definitely want a PRO-choice provider. Any advice? (I have also e-mailed the Orlando president of NOW, but have not heard anything.) Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
so disturbing about Planned Parenthood recommend
an OB/GYN who isn't pro-choice. They might not
know this, so you should certainly let them know,
so that they can either follow-up or stop making
referrals to the physician. I would try the
National Abortion Federation - they are a
network of abortion doctors, but most doctors
do more than provide abortions. There is also
IPAS which is
working in this country to make abortion care
a part of regular family planning. I hope that
- Amy