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I recently had a baby (8 months ago) and since then I have been having to shave more often. I have also noticed an increase in facial hair. I used to get waxed once a month, now it's become once a week. Does this sound normal? Is there a hormone I am lacking? Please help. I asked my dermatologist and he suggested electrolysis. Ouch! I will try anything. Thank you for you time.

I am by no means a medical expert, so unfortunately, I don't have any information for you. I would suggest that you take a look at Our Bodies, Ourselves (or any subsequent edition) by the Boston Women's Health Book Collective.

Also, I would suggest that you contact your OB/GYN--rather than your dermatologist. You could try using FEMINIST.COM's searchable nationwide database to find an OB/GYN near you. If you need referrals, please let me know what city you are in and I will try to make a referral. Good luck and sorry.


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