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Our names are Karlene and Jennifer. At present we are attending Pakurange College and for our Personal Development and Health Class we are doing a project on personal wellness. The topic we have chosen to research is Midwifery. On looking through some Internet sites we came across your e-mail address and we were wondering if you would be able to send us any information that would assist us in the completion of our assignment. Any information would be greatly appreciated and well put to use.

Thank you very much for your time and help, Karlene and Jennifer

Thanks for your note. Your interest in Midwifery sounds great--and will hopefully help to bring more serious attention to this very serious profession. Based on my unscientific study, Midwifery is becoming more and more common. That is my information based on how often I hear people talk about it, how often I read about cases involving it, and programs directed in this area. According to one article, Midwifery is probably the oldest women's profession in the U.S. I have a few suggestions of places you should go to learn more:

1.) An entry under "Midwifery" in the Readers Companion to U.S. Women's History which was written by Molly Ladd-Taylor.

2. The Midwifery Today web site.

3. An article we have at our site, What is a Midwife? by Stacey Stich.

4. The American College of Nurse-Midwives.

5.) Midwives for Choice--a soon to be or already formed group to grow out of Nurses for Reproductive Choice--c/o Alison Greene: e-mail. You can say that I suggested you contact her.

6.) Contacting Midwives themselves such as those in your area by looking in the yellow pages.

I hope that helps with your project.


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