Thanks for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
Though I know very little about
the feminist movement in Italy,
shortly after receiving your
email, I came across a few random
resources that might be able
to help you:
1.) One being a novel The
Silent Duchess by Dacia
Maraini about a woman in Italy
who finds her voice. A fictional
account, which certainly has
non-fiction elements to it
. 2.) On February 19, 2000,
Drexel University (based in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
will host an all day conference
on female Italian-American writers.
The event is underwrited by
the A. William Salomone Collection,
which contains 6,000 books on
Italy's history. Learn more
by contacting the professor
in charge: Professor Nunzio
Pernicone, [email protected].
3.) The feminist anthology
by Robin Morgan, Sisterhood
Is Global, also has an entry
for Italy--and includes vital
statistics about the situation
for women in Italy. If you send
me your mailing address, I would
be happy to send you this entry.
You can also buy the book via