for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
I'm not sure where you are writing
from--the United States or India,
but I think that the best way
to understand the "changing
status of Indian Women," is
to contact organizations working
specifically with Indian women.
For instance, there is the New
York City based SAKHI
(P.O. Box 20208, Greely Station,
New York, NY 10001) and there
are umbrella international groups
such as Sisterhood
is Global Foundation, ISIS
International (E-mail),
Global Fund for Women, and
DAWN (#4 Valley View,
Fred Pilgrim Christ Church,
Barbados, E-mail;
#(246) 426-9288; (246) 426-3006).
are also wonderful leading Indian
feminists--such as Vandana Shiva,
Devaki Jain, Anandati Roy, Prima
Mathai Davis, etc.
think that contacting one of
these organizations and/or individuals
would be the best way to answer
your question. I hope that helps.